
  1. 我国实行商标注册原则,对未注册商标的保护问题一直是我国商标法的薄弱环节。

    Since China adopts the registered principle , the protect for the unregistered trademarks is proved to be a weak point in China .

  2. 这是商标注册原则和申请在先原则的例外条款,其目的是对有一定影响的未注册商标进行保护。

    As the exception clause indicating the principles for trade mark registration and prior application , this clause is aimed to protect the unregistered trademarks which have become influential .

  3. 我国一直奉行的是商标注册原则,这就为未注册商标的合理存在提供了合法根据,加之未注册商标本身固有的灵活性,廉价性等优势,使得未注册商标大量存在。

    China has been pursuing the principle of trademark registration , which is a registered trademark of reasonable existence is not provided a lawful basis , in addition to unregistered trademarks inherent flexibility , cheapness and other advantages , makes the existence of a large number of unregistered trademarks .

  4. 现行商标立法中注册原则的确立导致了法律对在先使用者利益忽视的不公平状态。

    The establishment of the registration principle in Chinese trademark law leads to neglecting the benefit of the precedent user .

  5. 其次,如果认真研究未注册驰名商标的商标权人的权利和义务,会发现二者之间并不对称,有违权利义务相统一的原则和商标注册自愿原则之嫌。

    And the definition of some rights are still lack of clarity . Secondly , if carefully studying the rights and obligations of the owner of unregistered well-known trademark , asymmetry will be found .