
  1. 注册商标撤销制度辨析

    On the Rescinding System of Registered Trademarks

  2. 我国没有建立驰名商标撤销机制,无法规制这种行为,因此国家商标局提出了建设驰名商标撤销机制的构想。

    We cannot stop this kind of action as a quitting mechanism of well-known trademarks is not established in China , so the State Trademark Bureau put forwards an assumption of establishing quitting mechanism .

  3. 汕头“康王”驰名商标被撤销一案反映出中国驰名商标法律制度中存在的问题。

    A piece of China well-known mark named Kanwan has be removed , this case reflected the problem in China well-known mark legal system .

  4. 并可以予以通报或者处以罚款,或者由商标局撤销其注册商标。

    And may , in addition , circulate a notice of criticism or impose a fine , and the Trademark Office may even cancel the registered trademark .

  5. 逾期不提供使用证明或者证明无效的,商标局撤销其注册商标。

    In case of failure to submit the said proof within the time limit or if the proof is void , the Trademark Office shall revoke the said registered trademark .

  6. 在商标局受理撤销申请后,商标注册人有无权利转让该商标?

    After the abolition of trademark registration by trademark offices , does the registrant have the right to transfer it ?

  7. 其他单位或者个人可以请求商标评审委员会裁定撤销该注册商标。

    And any other organization or individual may request the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board to make an adjudication to cancel such a registered trademark .

  8. 中国法律保护那些在超过5年前注册的商标,这意味着其中许多商标几乎不可能撤销。

    Many of those are nearly impossible to revoke under Chinese law , which protects trademarks registered more than five years ago .

  9. 注册商标连续3年停止使用的,可由商标局撤销其注册商标。

    Where use of a registered has been ceased for 3 consecutive years , the registration is vulnerable to cancellation by the Trademark Office .