
  • 网络trademark disputes
  1. 鳄鱼商标纠纷是近年来发生的较为典型的商标权纠纷案件。

    Crocodile trademark disputes in recent years the more typical of trademark disputes .

  2. 从商品分类角度看商标纠纷中类似商品的判定

    Standards for Determining Similar Goods in Trademark Disputes Viewed from the Classification of Goods

  3. 据路透社22日报道,法国奢侈品牌香奈儿在与华为的商标纠纷中败诉,欧洲法院裁定,两个标识并不相似。4月21日,法国奢侈品牌香奈儿在与华为科技的商标纠纷中败诉,欧洲法院裁定,两个标识并不相似。

    French luxury house Chanel on Wednesday lost its trademark fight with Huawei Technologies after a top European court said their logos bear no similarity to each other .

  4. 路透社:欧洲法院裁定,香奈儿在与华为的商标纠纷中败诉这起纠纷始于2017年,当时华为曾向欧盟知识产权局申请,为其计算机硬件注册商标,图案为两个在垂直方向互联的半椭圆。

    The dispute dated to 2017 when Huawei sought approval from the EU Intellectual Property Office ( EUIPO ) , a trademark body , to register its computer hardware trademark which has two vertical interlocking semi-circles .

  5. 上周,中国北方一个城市的工商部门官员以商标纠纷为由,禁止零售商销售iPad。

    Last week , industry and commerce officials in a northern Chinese city stopped retailers from selling iPads citing the trademark dispute .

  6. 据彭博新闻社(BloombergNews)报道,这家电动汽车公司的首席执行官在中国正面临商标纠纷,而中国是他非常希望打入的海外市场之一。

    The CEO of the electric car company is facing a trademark dispute in China , one of the foreign markets he was hoping to break into , according to Bloomberg News .

  7. 2004年,Zippo以一笔未披露数目的金额收购了这家意大利公司,部分原因是为了解决这场商标纠纷。

    In 2004 . Zippo bought the Italian company for an undisclosed sum . party to settle the brand dispute .

  8. 从智能手机销量下跌,到输了iPhone商标纠纷,再到其一些在线娱乐服务的暂停,这家美国的科技巨头在这几周内已经在美国本土之外的第二大市场面临到了一连串的问题。

    From weakening smartphone sales to the loss of an iPhone trademark dispute and the suspension of some of its online entertainment services , the US technology giant has been facing a flurry of problems in recent weeks in its second-largest market after the US .

  9. 论域名与商标纠纷的法律调整

    Comments on Legal Adjustment of the Disputes between Domain Names and Trademarks

  10. 可是,这个案件值得人深思的地方很多,这场商标纠纷本来是可以避免的。

    However , this case is worth thinking , the trademark disputes could have been avoided at that time .

  11. 我国调解制度在商标纠纷中的运用,并没有得到应有的重视,且我国现行的商标纠纷调解制度仍然存在许多不完善的地方。

    Currently , the Trademark Disputes Mediation System did not receive due attention in our country , and still exist many drawbacks .

  12. 近年来随着商标纠纷案件的增多,商标的合理使用制度日渐成为一个热点问题。

    In recent years , the trademark disputes are increasing and the system of good use of trade mark has become an important problem .

  13. 民国时期,上海工商界的商标纠纷案非常突出,商标诉讼案的多级、多次现象日见增多。

    During the period of the Republic of China , the disputes caused by trademark were very serious in the society of industrialists and businessmen in Shanghai .

  14. 借鉴国外的先进经验以及根据我国的具体情况,在商标纠纷调解中引入强制性调解和法院附设调解制度具有合理性。

    Learn from foreign advanced experience and according to the condition of our country , the mandatory mediation and the court-annexed mediation to resolve trademark disputes attached with rationality .

  15. 商标纠纷调解是指在当事人之外的中立第三方的主持下,促使双方当事人自愿达成协议的商标纠纷解决活动。

    Mediation of trademark disputes is a kind of activities that under the auspices of a neutral third party outside of the parties , promote mutual voluntary reached agreement to eliminate the trademark disputes .

  16. 商标纠纷调解相对于商标纠纷诉讼而言,具有灵活高效性、专业性、保密性以及解决方案创造性等特点,使得调解在解决商标纠纷方面具有显著的优势。

    Relative to trademark litigation , mediation of trademark disputes with many features make the significant advantages of mediation to resolve trademark disputes , such as flexible , efficient , professional , confidentiality , and creative for solutions .

  17. 但在目前知识产权商标纠纷司法实践中,驰名商标的司法认定是讨论比较多的话题,也是出现问题比较多的领域,以致于有的学者对驰名商标司法认定方式提出质疑和否定。

    But the well-known trademark judicature recognized is hot topic in trademark dispute practice , also is a domain with many problems . So some experts have questioned and denied the current judicial way of recognizing well-known trademarks .

  18. 并对商标纠纷强制性调解和法院附设商标调解的范围、调解机构、调解员的选任、调解程序以及调解结果等一系列的制度要素提出构建的建议。

    And this paper is put forward a series of institutional element suggestions about the trademark disputes mandatory mediation and court-annexed mediation scope , mediation organization , the selection of mediators , mediation program and the mediation results .

  19. 现有的商标纠纷调解的范围包括商标民事纠纷、商标行政赔偿纠纷、轻微商标刑事自诉纠纷以及商标刑事附带民事纠纷。

    The existing scope of trademark dispute mediation include the civil disputes of trademark , the executive compensation disputes of trademark , the minor criminal private prosecution disputes of trademarks and the criminal with civil disputes of trademark .

  20. 随着两国贸易的增长,中韩两国到对方国家的投资也越来越频繁,随之发生的中韩企业之间的驰名商标纠纷也越来越多。

    With the growth of trade between the two countries , China and South Korea to invest in other countries is becoming more and more frequent . In this case , the occasional disputes between China and South Korea enterprise well-known trademark .

  21. 2003年发生的如皋市印刷机械厂诉如皋市轶德物资有限责任公司隐性反向假冒注册商标纠纷案,是在我国出现的首例商标隐性反向假冒案件。

    The case of implied reverse passing off of registered trademark which happened in 2003 was the first one in the history of China . In that case , Rugao Printing Machinery factory accused Rugao Yide Goods and Material LLC of implied reverse passing off of registered trademark .

  22. 第三部分域名与商标冲突纠纷的解决。

    The third section proposals how to resolve the conflict .

  23. 本案例是一起涉外定牌加工商标侵权纠纷案。

    This case is trademark infringement disputes about OEM .

  24. 服装定牌加工贸易引发的商标权纠纷与相应对策

    Trade mark Dispute Caused by Foreign - trade of the Clothing OEM and Its Countermeasure

  25. 第三节阐述了域名的特征及其与商标发生纠纷的主要原因;

    Section Three elaborates the characteristics of domain names and the main causes of conflicting with trademarks .

  26. 论计算机网络域名侵犯商标权纠纷及其解决

    A Discussion of the Trouble of Invading the Brand Authority of Network 's Domain Name and the Solution

  27. 该品牌的中国所有者并非第一次遇上商标权纠纷。

    It is not the first time the brand 's Chinese owners have been hit with a trademark claim .

  28. 域名侵犯商标权纠纷是计算机网络时代新出现的法律纠纷形式。

    The trouble of invading the brand of network 's domain is a new form of law trouble in the computer network time .

  29. 很多法制相对发达的国家都将权利失效原则确立于成文法之上,在现实的商标法纠纷解决中,其发挥了不可替代的作用。

    Many legal system is relatively developed will be ineffective in law to establish rights principles , the trademark law of the dispute , it has no alternative .

  30. 目前我国理论界对于此类型的商标权纠纷案件仅停留在个案的讨论上,并没有进行理论和系统的分析。

    At present , China theoretical circles for this type of trademark disputes only focus on the case discussion , and there is no theoretical and systematic analysis .