
shū jì ɡuān
  • Registrar;law clerk;clerk of a law court
  1. 下议院的书记官整理了下议院的议事录

    The Clerk of the House prepares the journals of the House .

  2. 蒂姆西麦洛克是大陆议会的书记官。

    Timothy Matlack was the official scribe of the continental congress .

  3. 如书记官、律师助理、基层司法所工作人员、社区法律服务人员。辅助性法律职业教育的重要特征就是实践性。

    An important feature on legal profession of vocational education is practicality .

  4. 书记官处法律支助股(法助股)记不记得那个带了助听器的古怪家伙

    Registry Legal Support Unit Remember that cranky bat with a hearing aid

  5. 你是学生,不是法院书记官。

    You 're a student , not a court reporter .

  6. 这些地点通常包括一个用来存放羊皮纸卷的场所,书记官就在这里工作。

    These typically included a place for storing scrolls , where scribes worked .

  7. 书记官用橡皮图章在文件上盖上了他的署名。

    The clerk impressed his signature on the documents with a rubber stamp .

  8. 法院书记官通常都把他们的工作带回家。

    Court reporters take their work home with them .

  9. 审讯大卫·克拉克的那段时期罗伯特雇佣他做法院书记官

    Robert hired James to be his court clerk during the trial of David Clarke .

  10. 书记官专业工学结合培养模式的研究与实践

    Research and Practice of " combining work with study " training model in secretary major

  11. 法院那个书记官用衰老的嗓音宣布暂且退座,下午两点钟再开庭。

    The clerk of the court announced , in an aged voice , a recess until two p.

  12. 于是书记官连忙书写,随后便把一个长长的羊皮纸文件呈递给院长。

    Then the clerk began to write ; then he handed a long parchment to the president .

  13. 原告一提出即判决申请后,法院书记官无条件允许被告进行辩护。

    On the plaintiff 's application for summary judgment the master gave the defendant unconditional left to defend .

  14. 该书记官不愿透露姓名,也拒绝表示是否已立案。

    The court official , who declined to identify himself , refused to say whether the court had accepted the case .

  15. 书记官交给他一张火车票和一张5美元的钞票,希望他能遵守法律成为一个好公民。

    The clerk handed him a railway ticket and the five-dollar bill with which , the law expected him to be a good citizen .

  16. 四法务单位:检察官、书记官、法医师、检验员、法警、调查人员、矫正人员及驻卫警。

    Units of legal affairs : procurator , amanuensis , forensic physician , inspector , bailiff , investigator , rectification personnel , and guard .

  17. 每案开庭点呼当事人朗读案由时,法院书记官应宣告当日开庭之日期及时间。

    Court clerk shall announce the date and time as the court calls for the names of the parties and announce the cause of the case .

  18. 记笔记没必要用电脑好的课堂笔记并不是做抄抄写写的功夫,别一个劲噼啪噼啪敲击键盘了你是学生,不是法院书记官。

    You dont need a computer to take notes good note-taking is not transcribing . All that clack , clack , clacking * youre a student , not a court reporter .

  19. 但我很多年前开始做法院书记官时,仅仅说一个粗鲁的词,即使没有种族上的隐含意义,也足以让你被逮捕。

    But when I started out as a court reporter many years ago , the mere uttering of a very rude word would have been enough to get you arrested , without racial connotations .

  20. 到中世纪的欧洲,“办公室”中的书记官需要处理的文书太多,他们形成了一种把卷轴高高堆在各自办公桌周围的传统,从而营造一种“私密”感。

    By the Middle Ages in Europe , scribes in " offices " were dealing with so much paper that they created a tradition of piling their scrolls high around their individual desks giving a feeling of " privacy " .