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  1. 你领的书不够数。

    You didn 't get enough books to go round .

  2. 说明:六艺是中国古代儒家术语,有两种含义:一种是周代所说,指古人所要学习的6种技能,即礼、乐、射、御、书、数;

    Description : According to Confucius in ancient China , six skills were basic requirements for an educated person to master .

  3. 一生中,门下有过数以千计的学生。他的教学重点在于“六艺”(小编注:要求学生掌握的六种基本才能),包括:礼、乐、射、御、书、数。

    He taught thousands of students during his lifetime , focusing on what he termed the Six Arts ; these include music , archery , mathematics , ritual , chariot-riding and calligraphy .

  4. 他有很多书,我数也数不清。

    He has so many books that I can 't count them .

  5. 史密斯曾担任《每日电讯报》科学新闻记者,著有超过30本书,曾制作数部纪录片。

    A former science correspondent of The Daily Telegraph , Smith has written over 30 books and worked on several documentary projects .

  6. 许多书不得不收藏起来,读者往往为一本畅销书而苦等数月。

    Many books had to be stored away and often readers had to wait for months for a best seller .