
  1. 交易员必须重新学习商品投资艺术了。

    Traders need to relearn the art of commodities investing .

  2. 不仅在于他从零开始创办了两家世界500强的企业(并且正在着手建立第三家),而且他还多次投资艺术类项目。

    Not only did he develop two Fortune 500 businesses from scratch ( and launch a third ) , he has also been a serial entrepreneur in the arts .

  3. 天津鼎顺艺术文化传播有限公司是一家投资于艺术文化领域,注重信誉与专业的商业机构。

    Tianjin Dingshun Arts Culture Media Company Limited is a business organisation , invests and focuses on arts and cultures .

  4. 虽然政府官员们表现出强大的投资当代艺术的意愿,他说,但是,变革的速度不像你以为的那样快。

    While officials have demonstrated an increasing willingness to invest in contemporary art , he said , the speed of change has not been as fast as you might guess .

  5. 在这个越来越多的人将投资现代艺术作为他们生活方式一部分的时代,艺术奖为较低端市场提供了一个具有吸引力的切入点。

    At a time when more and more people are looking to invest in contemporary art as a part of their lifestyle , art prizes offer an attractive entry point at the lower end of the market .

  6. 天印艺术会馆是一所私人投资的艺术会馆,用以展示投资者私人收藏的艺术品,举办艺术交流的会议与展览,提供与之配套的住宿及餐饮服务,总建筑面积达到15660m2。

    By private investment , Tianyin Art Assembly Hall is targeted to show the artworks owned privately , hold art exchanging meetings and exhibitions , provide corresponding accommodation and food service . Its gross building area is reached to 15 660 square meters .

  7. 他说,品牌建设对于想在中国蓬勃发展的购物中心来说非常重要。他专门提到了香港珠宝商周大福(ChowTaiFook)投资的K11艺术购物中心品牌。

    He says branding is very important for malls that wish to thrive in China , singling out K11 , an art-themed mall brand backed by Hong Kong jeweller Chow Tai Fook .

  8. 并在经营理念、投资主体、制作艺术等方面,取得了极大突破和巨大成功。

    The industry is also experiencing tremendous successes and breakthroughs in business philosophy , investor pattern and production crafts .

  9. 此类基金被看作是一种另类投资工具就像精品艺术、林业甚至对冲基金,大多以资本增值为目标。

    Considered an alternative investment like fine art , timber , even hedge funds wine funds are mostly designed for capital appreciation .

  10. 留学欧美五年,主要研究领域:金融投资风险管理、艺术经济等等。

    Having studied and worked in Europe for five years , his main research interests include Finance & Banking Investment Management and Art Economics .