
chǐ yín
  • gingiva;gum
齿龈 [chǐ yín]
  • [gums] 即牙床,包住齿颈的粉红色黏膜组织

齿龈[chǐ yín]
  1. 本文报告一位由直肠腺癌转移至齿龈的罕见病例。

    We will describe a rare case of primary adenocarcinoma of rectum with metastasis to the gingiva of the mouth .

  2. 具报告的损害位于.脸颊,肌肉、耳下腺腺、上面的脖子、上面的齿龈和身体的下颚骨。

    The reported lesions were located in cheek masseter muscle , parotid gland , upper neck , upper gingiva and body of mandibular .

  3. 这种牙刷可以温和去除牙菌斑而不损伤齿龈。

    The toothbrush gently removes plaque without damaging the gums .

  4. 在我突出于齿龈的部分有一层珐琅“皮”

    My part that protrudes from the gum has a'skin " of enamel .

  5. 许多研究显示IL-1做为一个强有效的细胞因子,在心脏、齿龈、肾纤维化中发挥重要作用。

    Some researches indicated that IL-1 is accepted as a potent cytokine for fibrosis of other organs such as heart , gingival tissue , and kidney .

  6. 大声的从打牙齿间用里迸出d音,齿龈下露出z音,剩下的音则消失在喉咙的回音中。

    Loud with the propped strongly on the z teeth , the escaping from under the gums and then the rest of the word lost in the echo of the throat .

  7. 从发音部位来看,英语和朝鲜语的塞音都可分为双唇音(bilabial)、齿龈音(alveolar)以及软腭音(velar)。

    In terms of articulation place , stops in both English and Korean fall into three categories : bilabial , alveolar and velar .

  8. 从非口腔部位的恶性肿瘤转移至齿龈是非常罕见。

    Metastatic tumors to gingival from non-oral malignancies are very uncommon .

  9. 新疆石河子地区口腔毛滴虫与齿龈内阿米巴感染的调查分析

    A survey of Trichomonas Tenax and Entamoeba gingivalis in Shihezi District

  10. 齿龈内阿米巴的超微结构与溶酶体酶细胞化学研究

    Studies on Ultrastructure and Lysosomal Enzyme Cytochemistry of Entamoeba gingivalis

  11. 海军飞行员齿龈阿米巴感染情况的调查分析

    Investigation of of amoeba infection of gingival in naval pilots

  12. 第三位病人患慢性齿龈病-用钢丝刷刷齿龈。

    The third patient-use wire brush to brush the gum .

  13. 齿龈内阿米巴的致病作用与致病机制的研究

    Studies on the pathogenicity and pathogenic mechanism of Entamoeba gingivalis

  14. 西安市学生齿龈阿米巴及口腔滴虫感染情况的调查分析

    A survey of students infected with oral protozoa in Xi'an

  15. 龟蛇阿米巴冷冻保存甲硝唑与替硝唑体外抗齿龈内阿米巴的效果观察

    Observation on the Effect of Metronidazole and Tinidazole on Entamoeba Gingivalis in Vitro

  16. 齿龈癌根治性治疗的选择

    The Choice of Treatment for Carcinoma of the Gums

  17. 这种骨密度的丢失会加速任何已经存在的齿龈疾病。

    Such bone-density loss can speed the progression of any existing gum disease .

  18. 衡阳市居民381人口腔齿龈内阿米巴感染的调查

    A survey on the incidence of Entamoeba gingivalis infection in 381 inhabitants of Hengyang

  19. 我的齿龈,很,很敏感。

    I have very , very sensitive gums .

  20. 她的齿龈上有块脓肿。

    She had an abscess on her gum .

  21. 舌尖靠近齿龈脊发出的辅音。

    A consonant articulated with the tip of the tongue near the gum ridge .

  22. 牙医刺破了阻止新牙长出来部分的齿龈。

    The dentist lanced the gum where a new tooth had difficulty coming through .

  23. 超声波治疗变应性鼻炎的动物实验研究&聚焦超声对兔肝和唇-齿龈组织的损伤效应

    Focused Ultrasound Injury Effect on Rabbit Liver and Labiogingival Tissues : An Experimental Study

  24. 一项研究表明,犯心脏病的人中有85%患齿龈疾病!

    In one study , 85 % of heart attack patients also had gum disease !

  25. 在我突出于齿龈的部分有一层珐琅皮。

    My part that protrudes from the gum has a " skin " of enamel .

  26. 如果刷牙时太用力,齿龈就会开始出血。

    If you brush your teeth too hard , your gums may start to bleed .

  27. 因为严重的齿龈炎

    of a bad case of gingivitis .

  28. 在蜡状物或石膏上留下的牙齿或齿龈的印记。

    ( dentistry ) an imprint of the teeth and gums in wax or plaster .

  29. 齿龈朝向口腔内部的面。

    The buccal aspect of the gum .

  30. 骨组织破坏是一些慢性炎性疾病包括类风湿性关节炎和齿龈疾病的特性。

    Bone destruction is characteristic of several chronic inflammatory diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and gum disease .