
  1. 成都麻羊发情排卵规律的研究

    A study on the estrus and ovulation of Chengdu Ma Goat

  2. 麻羊产区,在海拔升高、生态条件改变的情况下,麻羊的某些生态特征亦发生相应的变化。

    These characteristics vary with the altitude and ecological conditions .

  3. 成都麻羊生态特征的研究

    A preliminary study on ecological characteristics in the Ma Goat

  4. 应用波尔山羊提高成都麻羊产肉性能研究

    A study of improving Chengdu Ma goat meat performance by applying Boer goat

  5. 成都麻羊保种选育实施方案的探讨

    Research on the Practising Plan or Breed Protection and Selection for Chengdu Ma-Goat

  6. 不同饲养管理条件对成都麻羊瘤胃消化代谢的影响

    The Effect of Different Feeding and Management Levels on Rumen Digestibility and Metabolism of Chengdu Ma Goat

  7. 麻羊节丰厚的文化底蕴,全新的办节模式,高品味的活动,带来了异常火爆的人气。

    The rich cultural deposits , totally new running mode and high-grade activities during ma goat festival bring wide popularity .

  8. 用SDS&PAGE在还原条件下分析了成都麻羊和波尔山羊脱脂乳蛋白及乳清蛋白的组成。

    Protein components were analyzed in skim milk and whey of Chengdu Ma goats and Boer goats using SDS-PAGE under reducing condition .

  9. 结果表明:①麻羊胆囊比黑山羊胆囊极明显小些(P<0.01);

    The results are as follows : a / The gallbladder of the browns is obviously smaller ( P < 0.01 ) .

  10. 几千年来,黄甲镇(乡)劳动人民就一直把麻羊的生产,作为农村经济发展的一项不可或缺的支柱产业。

    For several thousands of years Huangjia people have been taking ma goat industry as an essential pillar industry for rural economic development .

  11. 对北川白山羊母羊的繁殖特性的研究表明,在年产胎数和多胞胎两方面,与成都麻羊存在极为显著的差异。

    In other ways of the she-goat reproductive characteristics , there are also much differences between Beichuan white goat and Chengdu grey goat or Jianchang black goat .

  12. 测定了两只大熊猫乳中几种酶的活力和激素浓度,并与成都麻羊和中国荷斯坦牛乳进行了比较。

    Enzyme activities and hormone concentrations were assayed in two milk samples of giant panda , and compared with that of Chengdu Ma goat colostrum and Chinese Holstein milk .

  13. 用15个牛微卫星位点,以波尔山羊为对照,研究了4个贵州地方山羊品种(贵州白山羊、贵州黑山羊、黔北麻羊、榕江小香羊)的遗传背景。

    The genetic background of four local goat breeds in Guizhou province was studied by 15 microsatellite loci from new bovine genetic map , with Boer as the contrast .

  14. 成都麻羊尽管有较好的繁殖性能,但泌乳性能较差,不适合机械挤奶。

    Although Chengdu-Ma goats are better in reproducing performance , they are lower in total lactation quantities and daily milking yields , and not more significant in machine milking .

  15. 测定成都麻羊和四川肉用黑山羊地方品种羔羊哺乳期母羊的产乳量、乳常规营养成分、乳蛋白组分和乳酪蛋白遗传多态性。

    To Chengdu Ma goats and landraces of table-purpose black goats , the yield , content of nutrition , composition of milk protein and genetic polymorphism of casein are analyzed .

  16. 氐人的大量迁入,又一次把牧马山养殖麻羊的产业向前推进了一大步,逐渐形成冬至吃羊肉的民间习俗。

    Ma goat industry of Muma Mountain was pushed forwards greatly because the coming of huge migration of Di people and the folk custom of having mutton in the Winter Solstice formed gradually .

  17. 通过对大邑、邛崃两县3027头山羊调查,了解到麻羊遗传性稳定、较早熟、体质结实,其外形特征与原报导多处相符,但有所变化。

    The genetic traits of the brown goat are stable , and it is early-maturing and physically strong , Most of the external characters are essentially in agreement with published reports , but some of them have changed .

  18. 麻羊是肉、乳、皮兼用的山羊品种,原主要分布在成都近郊,现西移于川西平原西部边缘浅山深丘地带。

    Summary The brown goat is a breed both for milk and meat and skin , It was distributed in the suburbs of Chengdu , but now it has spread to the mountainous and hilly regions in the western part of Sichuan Province .