
mài rǔ jīnɡ
  • malted milk;extract of malt and milk
麦乳精 [mài rǔ jīng]
  • [malt;extract of malt and milk;malted milk] 用麦精、牛奶、鸡蛋、糖等配制成的饮料

  1. 热可可、棉花糖、麦乳精

    Hot cocoa mix , marshmallows , malted milk powder

  2. 试述测定麦乳精类及其它乳制品蔗糖含量产生偏差的原因

    Some Factors Affecting Analytical Results of Sucrose Content in Malted Milk Powder and Other Dairy products

  3. 将可可和麦乳精混合拌匀。

    Mix the cocoa with the malted milk powder .

  4. 加上麦乳精和烤棉花糖,更添一种绵软怡人的味道。

    Adding malted milk powder and toasted marshmallows creates a soft and cozy vibe .

  5. 那只猫把那只偷吃麦乳精的老鼠捉到了,麦乳精本是放在杰克所建的房子里的。

    The cat killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the hose that Jack built .

  6. 传统的下午茶饼干是西南地区和威尔士地区人们的心头好,中部地区人民则青睐麦乳精饼干。

    Traditional Rich Tea is a favourite in the south west and Wales while Midlands folk enjoy Malted Milk .

  7. 经计算又建立了它们之间的定量表达式,从而为麦乳精车间控制产品质量、设定相对湿度范围提供了理论依据。

    It has also established the quantitative formula between them through the computer , thus providing the theoretical basis for controlling the product quality in the workshop and determining the sco - pe of relative air humidity .