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yā lù jiāng
  • the Yalu River;the Yalujian
鸭绿江 [yā lù jiāng]
  • [the Yalujian] 中朝界河 。源出吉林省东南长白山主峰白头山附近,向西南流,注入黄海。长813公里。主要支流有津江、浑江等。流域面积61800平方公里。流量及水力资源丰富,建有水丰等水电站。冬季冰期约4个月。拉姑哨以下可通航

鸭绿江[yā lù jiāng]
  1. 朝鲜和中国只隔一条鸭绿江。

    Korea and China are separated by only the Yalu River .

  2. 鸭绿江上有一座钢铁大桥。

    A steel railway bridge spans the Yalu River .

  3. 朝鲜的最高点为白头山(Paektu-san),海拔2744米。境内包含两条河流,分别是图们江和鸭绿江。

    The highest point in Korea is the Paektu-san at2,744m and major rivers include the Tumen and the Yalu .

  4. 鸭绿江河口湿地鸟类生境的破坏与修复

    Habitat restoration for Birds migration in Yalu River mouth wetlands

  5. 鸭绿江(丹东市区段)环境管理系统的开发研究

    Research on Yalujiang ( Dandong City Region ) Environmental Management System Development

  6. 鸭绿江国家级风景名胜区进一步开发的几个问题

    Research on Further Development of the Yalu River Scenery Area

  7. 鸭绿江河口浅滩的基本特征和动态变化

    Primary Character and Motive Change of Shallow Beach in Yalu River Mouth

  8. 吉林省白山市与朝鲜隔鸭绿江相望。

    Jilin province Baishan City and North Korea across the Yalu River .

  9. 鸭绿江河口地貌的形成、演变与港口建设

    Formation and evolution on Geomorphology of Yalu River mouth and harbor construction

  10. 朝鲜和中国只有鸭绿江一水之隔。

    Korea is separated from China by the Yalu river .

  11. 鸭绿江(丹东段)水污染控制系统规划研究

    System Planning Research for Water Pollution Control in Yalu Estuary

  12. 鸭绿江河口地区沉积物特征及悬沙输送

    Sediment Distribution and Suspended Sediment Transport in Yalu River Estuary

  13. 鸭绿江入海口致病性弧菌的调查分析

    The Investigation Analyses of Pathogenic Vibrio in Sea Area of Yalu River Mouth

  14. 中朝鸭绿江公路大桥建设项目可行性研究

    Feasibility Study of the Yalu River Highway Bridge Project

  15. 清前期对鸭绿江封禁区的管辖

    On the Administration of the Early Qing Dynasty to Yalu River Forbidden Region

  16. 中国与朝鲜以鸭绿江为界。

    China borders North Korea on the Yalu River .

  17. 清朝与朝鲜在鸭绿江地区的边境贸易述论

    On the Frontier Trade between Qing Dynasty and Korea in the Yalu River Area

  18. 鸭绿江河口区鱼虾群落研究

    Studies on the communities of fish and shrimp in the estuary of Yalu River

  19. 中朝鸭绿江、图们江航运合作委员会

    Cooperative Committee of Shipping in Yalu River and Tumen River of China and Korea

  20. 鸭绿江河口湿地鸟类观察

    Birds at the Wetland in Yalu River Estuary

  21. 辽宁地区的淡水虎鱼主要分布在辽河和鸭绿江两大河流。

    The freshwater goby is mainly found in Liao River and Yalu River in Liaoning .

  22. 鸭绿江下游水生植物性饲料的研究报告

    Aquatic Plant Feedstuff in Downstream Yalu River

  23. 鸭绿江流域森林资源与安东县木材中心市场的形成(1876&1928)

    The Yalu River Basin Forest Resources and the Formation of Wood Central Market of Anton ;

  24. 辽宁、吉林两省构建沿鸭绿江边境旅游带探析

    On Construction of " Border Tourism Belt along the Yalu River " in Liaoning and Jilin Provinces

  25. 鸭绿江花羔红点鲑的绝对繁殖力和胚胎发育时间

    Embryonic Development Time and Absolute Fecundity of Dolly Varden Charr ( S. malma ) in Yalu River

  26. 鸭绿江湿地自然保护区是东北亚重要的鸟类迁徙停歇地。

    The Yalu River Wetlands Nature Reserve is an important stopover for migrant birds in Northeast Asia .

  27. 鸭绿江的魅力

    Charm of the Yalu River

  28. 鸭绿江北岸朝鲜移民社会研究(1860-1910)

    Study on the Korean Immigration Community in the North Bank of the Yalu River ( 1860-1910 );

  29. 鸭绿江河口及近岸海域沉积物中重矿物组成、分布及其沉积动力学意义

    Heavy mineral distributions and their implications for sediment dynamics in the Yalu Estuary and its adjacent sea area

  30. 临江鸭绿江大桥位于临市区内,是横跨中朝两国的国境桥。

    It is located in the downtown of Linjiang , a frontier bridge across China and North Korea .