
xiān hónɡ bān zhì
  • nevus flammeus
  1. 我们利用Ar~+激光对38例鲜红斑痣进行了治疗观察,收到了较满意的效果。

    38 cases of the nevus flammeus were treated by Ar ~ + laser , and the result was relatively satisfying .

  2. 光敏剂漂白特性在鲜红斑痣光动力治疗中的作用

    Effect of Photosensitizer Photobleaching on Vascular Selectivity of Photodynamic Therapy

  3. 鲜红斑痣光动力治疗的模型仿真初步研究

    Modeling and Simulation of the Acting Factors on Vascular Selectivity of Photodynamic Therapy

  4. 光动力疗法是鲜红斑痣患者最新的治疗选择。

    Photodynamic therapy is a state-of-the-art option for patients with port wine stains .

  5. 2例伴毛项圈征的非典型性膜样皮肤萎缩,1例表现为真皮黑色素细胞增多症,另1例表现为鲜红斑痣

    Two cases of atypical membranous aplasia cutis with hair collar sign : One with dermal melanocytosis , and the other with naevus flammeus