
  • 网络Laser surgery
  1. 这个部门正在为激光外科学领域开辟一条新路。

    The department is blazing a trail in the field of laser surgery .

  2. 激光外科中组织的热损伤及其测量技术探讨

    Discussions on thermal damage to tissues and its measurement in laser surgery

  3. CO2激光外科装置中模拟指示光路设计的分析

    Analysis of optical design for simulative indicator in CO_2 laser surgical unit

  4. 最后,进行了激光外科中最具代表性的超脉冲CO2、脉冲Er:YAG和脉冲Ho:YAG等三种激光辐照猪皮肤组织的消融实验。

    Finally , pulse laser ablation of vitro porcine skin was studied with superpulse CO_2 laser , pulse Er : YAG laser and pulse Ho : YAG laser .

  5. 围绕智能医用激光外科设备的研制,研究了连续Nd:YAG固体激光器0~100W输出功率的稳定性问题。

    Stability of output in the range of 0 ~ 100 watts from an intelligence CW Nd : YAG laser which used as a surgical equipment is analyzed .

  6. 颌面部基底细胞癌的激光外科治疗激光基础知识

    Surgical laser treatment for base cell carcinoma of maxillofacial region

  7. 这此大夫在激光外科手术领域中开拓了新路。

    These doctors blazed a trail in the field of laser surgery .

  8. 他从事激光外科学的研究。

    He deals in laser surgery .

  9. 而今,激光外科提供了一种相对来说痛苦较少的整容和拉皮术。

    But now , laser surgery is a relatively painless alternative to facelifts and skin tucks .

  10. 在工业、农业、生物学和激光外科手术等领域有广泛用途。

    It can be widely applied in fields of the industry , the agriculture , the biology and the laser surgical operation .

  11. 本文探讨了光生物调节作用在激光外科、中医针刺、细菌和纳米细菌功能调节和有包膜的病毒的灭活等方面的应用和可能应用。

    The applications of photobiomodulation to laser surgery , acupuncture , bacteria , nanobacteria and the virus with membrane have also been discussed .

  12. He-Ne激光治疗外科未愈创面的疗效观察

    He-Ne laser in treatment of unhealing surface of wound after operation

  13. KTP-YAG激光胸外科应用125例

    Clinical application of KTP-YAG laser in thoracic surgery

  14. 一种双激光医用外科设备设计中的若干问题

    Some Problems on Design of a Medical Surgical Equipment with Dual Laser

  15. 讨论了激光显微外科术应用于染色体工程等遗传学研究的可能性。

    The possibility of laser microsurgery in genetics study such as chromosome engineering was discussed .

  16. 鼓室积液的激光显微外科治疗山莨菪碱辅助治疗急性分泌性中耳炎的临床研究

    Laser - Assisted Microsurgery for Serous Otitis Media Adjuvant treatment of anisodamine to acute serous otitis media

  17. 激光、外科超声震荡器、咬骨钳对主动脉瓣成形的比较

    A Comparison of Er ∶ YSGG Laser , CUSA , and Rongeur in Calcific Aortic Valvuloplasty The Mouth Bites the Nose

  18. 《哈佛商业评论》的作者以激光眼部外科手术为例,称用折扣方式推广这种服务是不明智的。

    The Harvard Business Review writers cite laser eye surgery as an example of a service where it would be unwise to advertise discount sales .

  19. KTP激光在普通外科与内窥镜的临床应用

    Clinical Application of KTP Laser in General Surgery and Endoscopy

  20. 目的总结应用KTP/YAG双波长激光配合胸外科手术治疗肺癌的经验。

    Objective To summarize the experience of chinical application of KTP / YAG dual wavelength laser systems in thoracic surgery of 45 cases patients with pulmonary carcinoma .

  21. 激光眼屈光外科术:回顾与现状

    Laser Refractive Surgery : A Review and Current Status

  22. 钬激光在泌尿外科应用的新进展

    New progress of application and study of Holmium : YAG laser in urology

  23. 经尿道激光治疗泌尿外科疾病

    Transurethral Laser in The Treatment of Urological Diseases

  24. 激光在手外科的康复应用

    The Rehabilitative Application of Laser in Hand Surgery

  25. 激光在胸外科的临床应用

    Clinical treatments of thoracic surgery diseases by lasers

  26. 激光在烧伤外科临床应用

    Application of Laser Operation in Burns Surgery

  27. 氦氖激光光纤治疗外科窦道21例分析

    Treatment of Surgical Sinuses by He-Ne Laser Through Optical Fibre & An Analysis of 21 Cases

  28. 短脉冲Nd∶YAG激光对眼睛微外科手术的生理效应

    Short-pulsed Nd : YAG laser microsurgery of the eye : biophysical considerations

  29. 目的总结CO2激光在口腔颌面外科疾病治疗上的应用。

    Objective To summarize the application of CO2 laser in oral dentofacial surgical disease treatment .

  30. 目的:总结KTP-YAG双波长激光在临床胸外科手术中的应用。

    Aim : Clinical application of KTP / YAG dual-wave length laser in thoracic surgery were reviewed .