
  • 网络magic resistance;magic resist;Magical Resistance
  1. 修正了流浪法师斗篷和挑战头巾和一些英雄天生的魔法抗性的叠加问题。

    Fixed Planeswalker 's Cloak and Hood of Defiance stacking issues on various heroes'innate magic resistance abilities .

  2. 人类形态的奈德丽布下一个陷阱,当粗心的敌人踩到后,他们的行踪就会被显露,并且护甲和魔法抗性会被降低,持续12秒。

    In human form , Nidalee lays a damaging trap for unwary opponents that , when sprung , reveals the target and reduces their armor and magic resistance for12 seconds .

  3. 护甲和魔法抗性降低为全等级25点。

    Armor and Magic resist reduced to25 at all levels .

  4. 使用:使你的法术目标的魔法抗性降低30点,持续1小时。守护药剂。

    Use : Decreases the magical resistances of your spell targets by 30 for 60 min. Guardian Elixir .

  5. 我觉得我们应该回到增加魔法抗性的路子上从而增加战士的生存能力。

    I think we come back to the idea of increasing damage mitigation as a route to increase warrior survivability .

  6. 所有宠物享受主人装备加成,包括护甲、法术效果、魔法抗性、攻击强度和耐力。

    All pets now receive a percentage of their master 's armor , spell damage , spell resistances , attack power , and stamina .

  7. 独角兽能抵抗魔法,并且本身还带有光环,能增加它周围所有人的魔法抗性。

    Unicorns can withstand magic , plus they have a special aura which increases protection from magical strikes for everybody near them .