
ɡāo shuǐ pínɡ yùn dònɡ yuán
  • High level athletes;high performance athlete;ranking athlete;senior
  1. CUBA高水平运动员向职业化发展的制约因素

    CUBA Athletes to a High Level of Professional Development Constraints

  2. 为了探讨不同性别、项群以及训练年限的高水平运动员在流畅心理状态上的差异和作用,采用澳大利亚学者Jackson编写的《流畅状态量表》对128名高水平运动员进行了调查分析。

    In order to discuss different gender , major and training year in the flow state 's discrepancy and effects of elite athletes , by using the flow state scale made by Jackson , 128 elite athletes are investigated .

  3. 所以,CBA联赛需要有高水平运动员、怀有高超技能的球星和拥有这些球星的高水平球队来提高CBA联赛的质量和水平,吸引观众,从而满足人们日益增长的文化欣赏需要。

    Therefore , the league match of CBA is in need of high level athletes , superb skill ball games stars and a high level team which has these stars to improve its quality and level , and to attract audience .

  4. 高水平运动员在腿法技术运用成功率上明显高于低水平运动员。④在男子四个级别中80kg以上级运动员运用腿法技术成功率仅次于58kg级的运动员。

    The high rank athletes are significantly higher than the low ones on the ratio of success in using techniques .

  5. 但是与NCAA联赛相比还相差很远。2.中美两国均十分重视大学高水平运动员的选材管理,但采用的管理手段有较大的差异。

    But with the NCAA League is still far away.2.In both the US and China attaches great importance to university high level athlete selection management , but the use of management tools have bigger difference .

  6. 中国、美国大学高水平运动员培养的比较

    Comparative Study of Cultivating Elite Athletes in Chinese and American Universities

  7. 不同运动项目高水平运动员注意能力特征研究

    Research on Characteristics of Attention of Elite Athletes for Different Sports

  8. 高水平运动员激励效果的个体认知评价方法

    Evaluation Method of Individual Cognition on Encouragement Results of Elite Athletes

  9. 高水平运动员人文素质教育的研究

    Study on the Humanistic Quality Education for High - level Athletes

  10. 论高校高水平运动员训练后的疲劳与恢复

    On College High-level Athletes ' Fatigue and Recovery after Sports Training

  11. 我国竞技体育高水平运动员人力资本要素市场化

    Marketilization of high-level athlete human capital factor of Chinese athletic sports

  12. 普通高校高水平运动员自主学习能力研究

    Present situation of high level university student athletes ' independent study ability

  13. 他们主要是高水平运动员以及进行研究的人员所追求的。

    They are mainly sought by elite athletes and conducted by researchers .

  14. 对高等院校高水平运动员运动情景动机的分析研究

    Research on Sport Scene Motivation of High Level Athletes in Normal University

  15. 对现代高水平运动员体能结构的探析

    A probe into the stamina structure of modern high-level athletes

  16. 可测量类项群高水平运动员运动成绩发展过程中高原现象的研究

    Measured Sports : The plateau Phenomenon of the Performances of Elite Athletes

  17. 从我国奥运选手成才的时间特征看高校高水平运动员的训练安排

    Training plan of high-level athletes in colleges from the talent time feature

  18. 普通高校学生中高水平运动员独特的心理特征分析

    Psychological Characters Analysis of High-levelled Athletes in the Average Colleges and Universities

  19. 高水平运动员流畅状态特征研究

    Research on Flow State 's Characters of Elite Athletes

  20. 高水平运动员激励的基本概念探析

    Analysis on Basic Concept of Top Athletes ' Stimulus

  21. 欧洲高水平运动员铲球技术特征比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of European High-level Athletes Tackle Technical Features

  22. 大赛前高水平运动员心理压力的成因研究

    Study of Contributing Factors of Top-notch Athletes ' Psychological Pressure before Major Competitions

  23. 高水平运动员年度周期时间结构的项群特征

    Time structure features of annual training period of high-level athletes in different event-groups

  24. 我国大学生高水平运动员与专业队运动员成绩比较分析

    The comparative analysis of the achievements between high-leveled student sportsmen and professional sportsmen

  25. 高水平运动员运动损伤的心理反应

    The psychological response of injury on higher level athletes

  26. 山东省高校高水平运动员测试成绩分析

    Performance analysis of high-level athletes in universities of Shandong

  27. 67名亚洲高水平运动员皮纹验证报告

    Testing and Verifying Report on the Skin Veins of 67 Asian Top Players

  28. 普通高校招收高水平运动员政策解析

    Analysis on Enrolling Strategy of High-level Athletes in University

  29. 对我国高水平运动员实施奖励状况探讨

    Discussion on the Policy and Situation of Awarding in Top Level Athletes in China

  30. 我院培养高水平运动员办学体制改革及发展对策

    The System Reforming and Developing Countermeasures About Training High Level Player in Our Institute