
  • 网络high counts and high density
  1. 介绍了纯棉高支高密液氨潮交联免烫府绸面料的开发技术,如纱线选择、规格设计、筒子纱染色、织造和丝光工艺等;

    The designing and idea of developing top grade high counts and high density poplin fabrics are introduced , such as yarn selection , texture design , package dyeing , weaving and mercerizing process .

  2. 精梳高支高密纯棉经起花面料的织造实践

    Weaving practice of high count and high density cotton figured fabric

  3. 柞蚕丝和棉交织茧绸纯棉高支高密府绸织物特白整理工艺

    Wild silk pongee Extra Brightening Process for All Cotton High-Count and High-Density Poplin

  4. 几何结构原理在高支高密织物试生产中的应用

    Application of the geometric structure principle in the trial-production of high count woven fabric

  5. 高支高密纯棉复杂大提花织物的设计与工艺研究

    Design and technology research of high count and high density pure cotton jacquard fabric

  6. 研究分析了高支高密棉丝交织大提花织物的关键生产技术。

    The key production techniques for high count and high density figured cotton / silk union fabrics are analyzed .

  7. JT/C25/7580~s高支高密府绸的生产实践

    Production and Practice of High Count and High Density Poplin with JT / C 25 / 75 80 ~ s

  8. 纯棉高支高密府绸织物特白整理工艺这段丝绸料可做成一件漂亮的女服。

    Extra Brightening Process for All Cotton High-Count and High-Density Poplin The silk material will make up into a beautiful dress .

  9. 介绍了精梳高支高密纯棉经起花织物的织造工艺流程、各工序的工艺参数配置,并对加工过程中主要技术问题进行了分析。

    This paper introduces the processes and technological parameters in weaving high count and high density cotton figured fabric with main technical measures in processing analyzed .

  10. 采用进口新型增白剂,在卷染机上采用双氧水/增白剂一浴法工艺对纯棉高支高密府绸织物进行增白处理。通过试验证明,该工艺能有效提高织物白度。

    Via " hydroperoxide one-bath process ", the imported new type brightener is used in brightening process for all cotton high-count and high-density poplin in jigger .

  11. 阐述了高支高密纯棉织物的丝鸣整理工艺,重点对丝鸣整理半制品的质量要求以及丝鸣原理、仿丝剂等进行探讨,指出生产过程中易出现的问题和注意事项。

    The scrooping finish process of high density fabrics is discussed . The problems which could be often generated in the process and notes for attention are pointed out .

  12. 介绍了高支高密纯棉复杂大提花织物的设计与开发过程,并对整经、染浆、织造各工序中的工艺参数和关键技术措施进行了探讨。

    This paper introduces the design and development of high count and high density cotton jacquard fabric with the technological parameters and key technical measures of beaming 、 dyeing 、 sizing and weaving processes discussed .

  13. 随着织机转速和入纬率不断提高,以及高支高密等高档、高质量织物的不断开发,对经纱可织性的要求也越来越高。

    With the increase of the speed and weft-insertion rates of looms , as well as the development of high-grade , high-quality fabrics such as the fine count and high-density , higher and higher demands are put forward to the warps ' weavability .

  14. 提高T/C高支高密织物织造效率。以丙烯酸酯浆料对T/C高支高密纱及织物上浆,可增加纱线强度,提高织物上浆率、织造效率和一等品率,降低成本。

    For improving the weaving efficiency of high-count and high-density T / C fabric , the polyacrylate size was applied to sizing the yarn and fabric and the result showed an increase in yarn strength , sizing rate , weaving efficiency and rate of firsts but decrease in the cost .