
gāo cái shēng
  • an outstanding student;a brilliant student;whiz kid
高才生 [gāo cái shēng]
  • [brilliant student] 才能、成绩高于一般平均水平的学生。也作高材生

  • 他是某著名教授的高才生

高才生[gāo cái shēng]
  1. 在大学里,他是大家公认的高才生。

    In university , he is the commonly acknowledged skilled talant .

  2. 我还骗他们我是哥伦比亚大学的高才生

    I also got ' em believing I graduated cum laude from Columbia .

  3. 我只知道他是英语方面的高才生,但我没有想到他在商业上还是这么的出色。

    I just know he is a straight A in english , but I didn 't expect him to be so good in business .

  4. 还有哪个滑铁卢大学计算机专业的高才生应该在警察局后院的大树上自缢身亡?

    Should any brilliant computer student of University of Waterloo hang oneself on the giant tree at the back yard of a police station ?

  5. 你是哈佛的高才生,有一份好工作,35岁时达到的成就可能比我一辈子的还要多。

    You went to Harvard you have a great job and you 'll probably accomplish more by the time you are 35 than I will in my entire life .

  6. 位于湖南省长沙市的中南大学的蔡言厚教授说,政府应该想办法把这些高才生留下来。

    The government should find better ways to hold back talented students , said Cai Yanhou , a professor with Central South University in Changsha , capital of Hunan Province .