
  1. 在飞行参数和干涉处理在森林树冠高度精度的影响进行了讨论。

    The influence of flight parameters and interferometric processing on the accuracy of forest canopy height was discussed .

  2. 从公式表达可以看出,这些量独立时对目标高度精度的影响是不独立时的特殊情况。

    It is shown from the formulas that the effect of these independent variables on height measurement accuracy is the special circumstances of non-independence .

  3. 基于MASTERCAM软件的选刀及高度方向精度控制研究

    The Study on Split-second Selection of Cutting Tool and Precision Control in the High-direction Based on Master CAM

  4. 目前,卫星高度计在远海测量的瞬时海面高度的精度可达到5cm,极大的促进了大地测量学、地球物理学、海洋学研究等领域的发展。

    At present , the accuracy of satellite altimeter measuring the sea surface instantaneous height over the deep ocean is better than ± 5 cm , this pushed the development of geodesy , geophysics , oceanographic greatly .

  5. 摆动辗压成形件高度尺寸精度分析

    Analysis on the height dimensional precision of rotary forging formed parts

  6. 一种改进短期数值预报中高度场精度的简单方法

    A simple method to improve geopotential height accuracy in numerical forecasts

  7. 自由曲面五轴等残余高度高精度加工的路径规划

    Precision Constant Scallop - Height Tool-Path Planning for Five-Axis Free-Form Surface Machining

  8. 论述了基于最优估计理论的天文定位方法中天体高度测量精度与定位精度的关系。

    Discussed the relationship between the altitude accuracy observed and accuracy of celestial positioning based on the optimal estimating method .

  9. 现代激光测量技术的发展使得拍摄紊流火焰内高度时空精度的详尽火焰结构成为可能,这可以用来分析紊流场、化学反应和热与质分子运输之间的交互作用。

    With modern laser diagnostic techniques it is now possible to image the detailed flame structure inside turbulent flames with high temporal and spatial resolution . This makes it possible to analyze the interaction between turbulent flow fields chemical reactions heat transfer and molecular transport of matter .

  10. 托货机构是提升机的关键机构,如果要求货物高速提升和高度位置精度,托货机构必须弹性化以实现和货物的软结合,缓冲货物提升到位时的冲击力。

    Raiser mechanism is the key mechanism of take up , if the speedy raising up and the precise height are required , raiser mechanism should be elasticized , combining soft-combination with the goods and amortizing the wallop when the goods are stepped up to the right position .

  11. 指数模式在离地面3km高度以下使用精度也可保证。

    It is found that accuracy can be guaranteed by using the exponential model when below 3 kilometers over the surface .

  12. 提高雷达高度表测高精度的方法研究

    Improving the Accuracy of Measuring Heights with Radar Altimeter

  13. 房屋高度信息提取精度在85%以上,研究方法是有效的。

    Houses highly information extraction accuracy is within the 85 % . The research methods are effective .

  14. 进一步分析了雷达辐射源位置、星座几何形状和星座的卫星高度对几何精度衰减因子的影响。

    Then , the effects of radar beacon position , cluster geometry and satellite altitude on the geometry dilution of precision factor are analyzed .

  15. 该方法可测量螺纹的锥度、螺距、螺纹夹角和螺纹高度,测量精度可以满足工业测量要求。

    The equations for thread taper , thread pitch , thread angle and height of thread can be derived on the base of fitted lines , which are accurate enough to meet the needs of industrial measurement .

  16. 研究了智能空炸引信的引爆概率,导出智能引信系统中所使用引信的标定高度、引爆精度、动作可靠性和引信系统理想炸高之间的定量关系。

    The purpose of this paper is to study the initiation probability of an intelligent air burst fuze . It gives a quantitative relation among the specified burst height , initiation precision , operating reliability and ideal burst height of the fuze used in the intelligent fuze system .

  17. 作者提出的基于酉ESPRIT算法估算干涉相位的方法,充分利用了复观测数据以及共轭数据中的信息,使得观测数据等效增加了一倍,从而提高了植被高度参数的估计精度。

    An interferometric phase estimated method by Unitary ESPRIT-based can improve estimated precision using the complex observation data and its conjugated data .

  18. 空间预警系统(SEWS)是美国弹道导弹战略防御体系(BMD)中不可缺少的组成部分,是一个高度集成、高精度的光机电一体化系统。

    As an indispensable part of the Strategic Ballistic Missile Defense ( BMD ) System , the Space Early Warning System ( SEWS ) is a highly integrated and high-precision optical-mechatronic system .

  19. 速度参数的精度高度依赖定位的精度。

    The precision of velocity is closely related to the position error .

  20. 数控车削对刀高度误差对加工精度的影响

    The Influence of Tool Sitting Error upon the Precision of Machining in NC Turning

  21. 油罐油面上部空间高度的测定高精度三维地震属性识别浅层稀油油藏油水界面

    Apply high-precision 3D seismic attribute to identifying oil-water interface of shallow and thin oil reservoir

  22. 数值模拟比较表明,该措施行之有效,使对流层中下层几乎所有高度上L反演值的精度提高了5%~20%,观测高度越低,精度提高的越多。

    The lower the altitude is , the more the accuracy is improved .

  23. 可以根据需要调节PCB板卡固定装置的高度,对固定装置高度上的加工精度要求低;

    The height of the PCB card-fixing device can be adjusted according to requirements , so the requirement on the height processing precision of the fixing device is low ;

  24. 通过模拟实验分析了地球的曲面效应对星载SAR地形高度估计的影响.利用该方法能提高高度估计精度并且不需考虑去除平地效应。

    The accuracy of terrain height can be improved and effect of flat earth be not considered by using the method .

  25. 在此基础上,提出气压高度相对高度的测量方法,提高气压高度相对高度的测量精度。3、磁航向测量的磁干扰建模与误差补偿研究。

    The algorithm to measure the relative altitude of barometric latitude is proposed . And the precision of the relative altitude measurement is improved . 3 Research on error modeling and compensation of the magnetic interference in magnetic heading measurements .

  26. 获取海面上空的水汽信息,不仅需要改进数据处理方法,更需要利用低高度角的卫星信号,这对映射函数模型低高度角的精度提出了更高的要求。

    In order to obtain water vapor information over the sea , we need to improve GNSS data processing method and use a low elevation angle of the satellite signal .

  27. 介绍了气压高度测量的技术方案,指出了影响通用航空飞机气压高度测量精度的主要误差来源:压力传感器输出误差和气压高度原理误差。

    The technique method to measure the barometric altitude is introduced . The main error sources , the output error of pressure sensor and the theory error of barometric altitude , affect the measurement precision of barometric altitude in general aviation aircrafts are indicated .

  28. 介绍了应用超声衍射波测量裂纹高度的原理与方法,在模拟裂纹试块上,通过试验分析了超声波衍射法测量裂纹高度的误差与精度。

    The principle and methods of crack height measurement by ultrasonic diffraction wave are presented . Through experiment in simulative crack block the error and precision of crack height measurement by ultrasonic diffraction have been researched .