
  • 网络Hip Replacement;hip arthroplasty;THA;THR
  1. 结论人工髋关节置换是治疗成人严重股骨头缺血坏死的有效方法。

    Conclusion Hip arthroplasty is an effective method in the treatment of osteonecrosis of adult femoral head .

  2. 人工髋关节置换组17例,平均年龄为79.8岁;≥75岁以上14例。

    The hip arthroplasty group included 17 patients , the average age was 79.8 . there were 14 patients with age above 75 year old .

  3. 目的采用CT成像技术评估髋关节置换术后股骨假体远端的中心化状态。

    Objective To evaluate the centralization of the distal stem of hip femoral prosthesis after total hip replacement with CT imaging .

  4. 方法:回顾性分析102例髋关节置换术后患者的术后CR图像及病例资料。

    Methods : Retrospectively analyzed the post-surgical CR features and their clinical materials of 102 patients after hip joint replacement .

  5. 健康教育对髋关节置换术后病人ADL的影响

    Effect of the Health Education on the ADL of Patients with Hip Replacement

  6. 人工膝关节置换术后DVT的发生率较人工髋关节置换术后高。

    The incidence of DVT for TKA was higher than that for TKA .

  7. 目的:总结髋关节置换术后并发肺栓塞(PE)的诊断与处理,为临床相关问题提供经验。

    Objective : To study the early diagnosis and treatment of pulmonaryembolism ( PE ) after Coxa replacement so as to apply the ideal of related question .

  8. 低分子肝素预防人工髋关节置换术后DVT的疗效及对血液流变学的影响

    The Effect of Low Molecule Heparin on Prevention of Deep veous thrombosis and Hemorheology after Artificial Hip Joint Replacement

  9. 髋关节置换术(HR)和膝关节置换术(KR)常用于缓解由于骨关节病导致髋或膝关节的疼痛。

    Hip replacement ( HP ) and knee replacement ( KR ) were used to ease hip or knee pain caused by bone arthritis .

  10. 方法:滑膜组织取自临床确诊的22例RA及29例OA患者(均为膝或髋关节置换手术患者),用免疫组织化学,NorthernBlot,westernblot及Zymography等实验方法进行分析。

    METHODS : We obtained synovial tissues from 22 RA and 29 OA patients and analyzed MMP-12 expression using immunohistochemistry , Western and Northern blot analysis , and zymography .

  11. Orem自理模式在人工髋关节置换术患者护理中的运用

    Clinical Application of Orem Self-care Model in the Nursing Care of Artificial Hip Joint Replacement

  12. 半髋关节置换与PFN内固定治疗高龄不稳定型股骨粗隆间骨折的疗效比较

    Comparison of hemiarthroplasty and PFN fixation for the treatment of unstable intertrochanteric hip fractures in senile patients

  13. 改良Hardinge小切口髋关节置换术

    Minimal incision hip replacement through the modified Hardinge approach

  14. ANFH治疗归纳起来包括:保守治疗、姑息性手术治疗、人工髋关节置换术和介入治疗。

    The treatments of ANFH includes : conservative treatment , palliative surgery , hip replacement surgery , and interventional treatment .

  15. 研究方法研究通过对我科1999年1月-2004年1月间对髋臼骨缺损行人工髋关节置换术的58例患者进行随访,通过Harris评分和髋关节X片两方面进行疗效评价。

    Methods 58 THR patients for acetabular deficiency who had received THR in our division during 1999.1-2004.1 were follow-up though the use of Harris hip score and radiographs of hip joint .

  16. 目的:分析髋臼及股骨上端畸形致人工髋关节置换(THR)术后脱位的原因,探讨防治对策。

    Objective : To analyse the causes of postoperative dislocation after total hip replacement ( THR ) owing to acetabular or proximal femoral deformities and to find the preventive measures .

  17. 方法将141例髋关节置换手术病例,应用P-POSSUM和POSSUM预测手术死亡率和并发症率。

    Methods 141 patients underwent THA were studied retrospectively using P-POSSUM and POSSUM scoring system to predict their mortality and morbidity .

  18. 结论GardenⅠ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型的70岁以下老年性股骨颈骨折患者,在优良复位的前提下可先予坚强的内固定治疗,Ⅰ期髋关节置换术适合于高龄及移位严重的患者。

    Conclusions When treating femoral neck fracture of Gardens ⅰ, ⅱ or ⅲ in the elderly ( 60 70 years old ), internal fixation should be the first choice , and arthroplasty is suitable for the patients older than 70 years or those with the severely displaced fractures .

  19. P-POSSUM能准确地预测手术死亡率,其预测能力优于POSSUM;P-POSSUM和POSSUM尤其适用于60岁以上的老年髋关节置换患者。

    P-POSSUM could accurately predict mortality than POSSUM , especially , two methods could be fitted for the patients aged over 60 years old .

  20. 目的应用生理学和手术严重度评分系统(P-POSSUM及POSSUM)对老年髋关节置换术死亡率和并发症率进行回顾性评估,探讨其对老年髋关节置换手术风险评估的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of P-POSSUM and POSSUM in predicting mortality and morbidity in the patients underwent total hip arthroplasty ( THA ) .

  21. 方法:6例人工髋关节置换术后慢性感染患者,术前Harris评分平均34分(28~39分),血沉平均51mm/h(35~72mm/h)。

    Methods : Six cases infected by hip replacement . The preoperative mean Harris score was 34 ( range 28 to 39 ), mean erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR ) was 51 mm / h ( 35 to 72 mm / h ) .

  22. 选取12只山羊,体质量38~48kg,雌雄各半,随机分成3组行人工髋关节置换术。

    Twelve goats ( body mass 38 48 kg ) were randomly divided into 3 groups to do the total hip replacement with this new prothesis .

  23. 目的通过对髋关节置换术(HJRS)两种常用麻醉方法的比较,为临床上选择最合理的麻醉方法提供依据。

    ObjectiveTo evaluate the two common anesthesia techniques used in the hip joint replacement surgery ( HJRS ) and provide references to the most reasonable choice for them .

  24. 特殊类型的髋关节置换及其功能重建

    Replacement of total hip in special types and its functional reconstruction

  25. 人工髋关节置换术后翻修术的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of revision total hip replacement for failed hip arthroplasty

  26. 血府逐瘀汤治疗髋关节置换术后非感染性发热

    Persica and Achyranthes Combination Treat Non-infective Fever after Hip Joint Subsitution

  27. 人工髋关节置换术并发股骨骨折临床分析

    The reason and management of intraoperative femur fracture during hip arthroplasty

  28. 髋关节置换术后假体松动40例临床分析

    Prosthetic Loosening after Hip Arthroplasty : Clinical Analysis of 40 Cases

  29. 两种不同麻醉方式用于老年人髋关节置换术的临床观察

    Two Different Ways of Anesthesia for Elderly Patients in Hip Replacement

  30. 鲍勃年迈的母亲正处于髋关节置换手术的康复阶段。

    Bob 's elderly mother is recovering from hip replacement surgery .