
  • 网络Marty;Maddy;Mady;Maadi
  1. 曼德拉的朋友、同为诺贝尔和平奖得主的德斯蒙德•图图(DesmondTutu)是最先质疑世界上将“马迪巴”(Madiba)神圣化的人——马迪巴是曼德拉的族名,也是他喜欢的称呼。

    Desmond Tutu , his friend and fellow Nobel Peace laureate , was one of the first to question the world 's sanctification of " Madiba " - his clan name , and how he liked to be known .

  2. 他叫我把这文件给马迪.勃兰特

    He asked me to deliver some documents to Monty Brandt .

  3. 麻烦你把这合同给马迪.勃兰特

    I need you to bring these contracts to Monty Brandt .

  4. 我难以置信我站在马迪.勃兰特家

    I couldn 't believe I was standing in Monty Brandt 's house .

  5. 然而,对于许多人而言,马迪纳·珠美兰是一件杰作。

    However , to many people , I think Madinat Jumeriah can be considered a masterpiece .

  6. 那么“马迪巴魔力”和他劝诱南非白人的秘诀是什么?

    So what was the secret to the " Madiba magic " and his seduction routine ?

  7. 事件或涉生意纠纷莫斯科揭发人办公室调查员巴比得马迪透露:枪手使用了轻型冲锋枪和

    Events or the business disputes Moscow informants Office investigators are Ma Di said that the gunmen using light machine guns and

  8. 图上画点部分为下白垩纪马迪组下部洁净,渗透的砂岩分布区域。

    The stippled area shows the distribution of a clean , permeable sandstone in the lower part of the lower cretaceous Muddy Formation .

  9. 几个认识这位教授的人说,穆哈马迪教授是一位“理论物理学家”,并否认他参与了伊朗有争议的核项目的说法。

    Several people that knew him indicated that he was a " theoretical physicist ," denying he was involved in Iran 's disputed nuclear program .

  10. 我没有把婚礼的事告诉里德家的表姊妹,但给马迪拉的约翰·爱舅舅写了信。

    I had not told my Reed cousins about our wedding , but I had written to my uncle , John Eyre , in Madeira .

  11. 经常到教堂礼拜的SabeloNgqeleni说,我们在这里为马迪巴送行,祝他一路平安,我们会永远记住他的精神。

    We are here to give Madiba a peaceful journey , ' said churchgoer Sabelo Ngqeleni . ' We will always remember his spirit . '

  12. 一名喀布尔当地男子&比斯马拉·阿赫马迪在餐馆中看完辩论之后表示,这是这个晚上他最喜欢的观点。

    One local Kabul man , Bismallah Ahmadi , said after watching the debate at a restaurant that it was his favorite line of the evening .

  13. 他说,当他赶到现场时,穆哈马迪教授房子的门被炸掉了,房子还着了火。

    When he arrived at the scene , he says , the door of professor Ali-Mohammadi 's house was torn off and there was a fire .

  14. 电视画面显示,穆哈马迪的亲属在他的住所外哭泣,与此同时,一大群旁观者聚集在被烧毁的他的汽车旁。

    The TV showed relatives of Mohammedi crying in front of the building where he lived , as a large crowd of bystanders gathered around his burned-out vehicle .

  15. 一个自由、和平的南非——这是世界的榜样,这是“马迪巴”(曼德拉的家族名)为他所热爱的国家留下的遗产。

    A free South Africa at peace with itself -- that 's an example to the world , and that 's Madiba 's legacy to the nation he loved .

  16. 然而正是这样一个人,却穿着宽松飘逸的“马迪巴衬衫”发起了一场衣着革命,并以憎恶浮华和喜欢轻松调侃而闻名。

    Yet this was the man who launched a sartorial revolution with his loose-flowing " Madiba shirts " and who was famous for his abhorrence of pomposity and love of the gentle tease .

  17. 只是想告诉你,你舅舅,马迪拉的爱先生去世了,他把财产留给了你,你现在富有了。就这些,再没别的了。

    ' Only to tell you that your uncle , Mr Eyre of Madeira , is dead , that he has left you all his property , and that you 're now rich & only that , nothing more . '

  18. 你打算还要弄坏汤姆的马加西迪吗?

    Do you intend to kill tom 's mujahideen ?