
  • 网络Malta;Malta Island
  1. 1814年,马耳他岛沦为大英帝国的殖民地。

    In1814 , Malta became a part of the British Empire .

  2. 地中海中的马耳他岛上的一个共和国。

    A republic on the island of Malta in the Mediterranean .

  3. 马耳他岛工程地质特性及其评价

    The Engineering Geologic Features and Assessment of Malta Island

  4. 属于或关于马耳他岛、马耳他共和国、马耳他居民的。

    Of or relating to the island or republic of Malta or its inhabitants .

  5. 例如,马耳他岛不仅建立了一个世界上最先进的智能电网,而且还在建设智能化水务和垃圾管理系统。

    The island of Malta , for example , is not only creating one of the world 's most advanced smart grids , it is also building smarter water and waste management systems .

  6. 论《马耳他岛的犹太人》一剧中的陌生化手法他们是犹太人,但其中一个持有罗马护照,还通晓非犹太族的智慧。

    On the Alienation Effect in The Jew of Malta They were Jews , but one of them carried a Roman passport and was well versed in the wisdom of the Gentile world .

  7. 其统治一直持续到1090年,马耳他被西西里岛的诺曼底人接管,基督教也随之开始复兴。

    The period of Arab rule lasted until 1090 , when the islands were taken by the Sicilian Normans , restoring Christianity again .

  8. 马耳他在西西里岛以南约50英里,国土面积122平方英里,几乎没有自然资源,人口只有42.4万,大约是南达科他州人口的一半。

    Malta , which covers 122 square miles and is about 50 miles south of Sicily , has few natural resources and a population of just 424,000 , about half that of South Dakota .

  9. 马耳他首都;位于马耳他的主岛东北海岸线上。

    The capital of Malta ; located on the northeastern coast of the island .

  10. 马耳他:地中海中的一个岛国,位于西西里岛南面,包括马耳他岛和两个较小的岛屿。

    Malta : An island country in the Mediterranean Sea south of Sicily , comprising the island of Malta and two smaller islands .

  11. 结合马耳他30万吨干船坞及码头工程的勘察和施工,阐述马耳他岛岩石和构造特征,并对其工程地质和水文地质条件作出评价。

    Combining the prospecting and construction for Malta 300 000 DWT Dry Dock and the wharf project , the rock and the formation features of Malta Island was described in the paper . The assessment for conditions of engineering geology and hydrogeology were also made in it .