
  • 网络mamluk;Mamluks;Mameluke
  1. 尤其是在腰上挂一把马穆鲁克剑。

    Especially with a Mamaluke sword hanging on the belt .

  2. 马穆鲁克弓骑兵以奴隶身份进入埃及,自童年始即接受作战训练。他们箭法如神,近战搏杀亦颇为出色。

    Bought as slaves , and trained from boyhood , these formidable soldiers excel at archery , but can also hold their own in melee .

  3. 来自佐治亚或马萨诸塞的尊敬的某某先生一全是瞬间即逝、不能长存的事情,我终于无法忍受,差点要像马穆鲁克大人一样从他们的庭院中偷偷溜走。

    Mr - of Georgia or of Massachusetts , all transient and fleeting phenomena , till I am ready to leap from their courtyard like the Mameluke bey .

  4. 加斯加的“土耳其”混合在一起了。丹Jurafsky,另一个语言学家,认为欧洲人通过马穆鲁克土耳其人从埃塞俄比亚(有时候人们将埃塞俄比亚同印度混在一起了)进口几内亚野禽,然后与葡萄牙通过大西洋从北美进口的野禽混淆在一起了。

    Dan Jurafsky , another linguist , argues that Europeans imported guinea fowl from Ethiopia ( which was sometimes mixed up with India ) via the Mamluk Turks , and then confused the birds with North American fowl shipped across the Atlantic by the Portuguese .