
xiānɡ wān dòu
  • Sweet Pea;sweetpea
  1. 预措对香豌豆切花的保鲜效应

    A Study of Fresh-keeping Effect of Pretreating for Cut Sweet Pea

  2. 北美洲的一年生的植物,类似于香豌豆,具有艳丽但无味的花朵。

    North African annual resembling the sweet pea having showy but odorless flowers .

  3. 香豌豆籽可在五月份种上。

    Sweet pea seed can be sown in May .

  4. 香豌豆沿向上蔓生。

    The sweet peas are twisting up the canes .

  5. 牧地香豌豆在贵州的生长表现及营养成分分析

    Analysis of Nutrient Composition and Growth Performance of Wild Meadow Pea - vine in Guizhou

  6. 在戈马黝黑坚硬的玄武岩上,她种出了香豌豆和玫瑰;

    In the hard black basalt of Goma she managed to grow sweet peas and roses ;

  7. 当问他要不要水果或蔬菜时,他总会回答,“我只要三颗香豌豆。”

    When asked if he had any fruits or vegetables , he would reply ," Just three sweet peas . "