
  • 网络chief architect;principal architect;Chief Software Architect
  1. 在加入IBM之前,Claus作为首席架构师和SOA推广人员已经有十年的经验。

    Prior to joining IBM , Claus had ten years of experience as a Chief Architect and SOA Evangelist .

  2. 首席架构师当然要参与定义SOA的愿景,但是也应该指出SOA治理的方向。

    The chief architect is obviously involved in deciding the SOA vision , but should also point out the direction of SOA governance .

  3. 我一直参与开发SOA架构师峰会并在会上发言,其目的是让企业和首席架构师了解关于SOA参考体系结构和采用方面的内容。

    I 've been involved in developing and presenting at the SOA Architect Summit , which is for enterprise and lead architects to learn about SOA reference architectures and adoption .

  4. 为了寻求该功能包的更多细节,InfoQ采访了它的首席架构师,AndrewSpyker

    To find out more about the feature pack InfoQ talked to its chief Architect , Andrew Spyker

  5. AndersHejlsberg是C语言的首席架构师,TurboPascal的创始人,以及Delphi的前首席架构师。

    Anders Hejlsberg is the chief architect of C # , creator of Turbo Pascal , and former chief architect of Delphi .

  6. 首席架构师连接了这些SOA架构师,并向CxO负责。

    The chief architect connects these SOA architects , and is responsible for answering the CxO ' s.

  7. Michele目前致力于云计算解决方案的开发,是TSAM扩展的首席架构师。

    Currently Michele is focusing on cloud computing solutions and is the lead architect of the TSAM extensions .

  8. YehudaKatz的博客:Katz是Rails的核心贡献者,同时也是Merb和Rails整合的首席架构师。

    Yehuda Katz 's blog : Katz is a core Rails contributor and a chief architect of the integration of Merb and Rails .

  9. 百度首席架构师JamesPeng在昨日的演示中表示,百度车辆的传感器优于特斯拉,百度无人驾驶汽车不可能发生这样的交通事故。

    James Peng , Baidu 's chief computer architect , claimed during a presentation yesterday that its own vehicles " sensors were superior to Tesla 's and the same road accident could not have happened with its cars .

  10. InfoQ有幸采访了olap4j规范的领导者、Pentaho分析的首席架构师和Mondrian的创始人JulianHyde,以了解olap4j的更多内容。

    InfoQ spoke to Julian Hyde , olap4j specification lead , Pentaho Lead Architect for Analysis and Mondrian Founder , to find out more about olap4j .

  11. 我们对RamViswanathan(IBM的著名工程师兼GBSC的首席架构师)表示忠心的感谢和诚挚的问候,他提供了一些宝贵的指导性意见,如果没有他的支持,我们将无法完成本文。

    We convey our thanks and sincerely acknowledge guidance and ideas from Ram Viswanathan ( IBM Distinguished Engineer and Chief Architect of GBSC ) without whose support it could not be completed .

  12. BorisLublinsky是NAVTEQ公司的首席架构师,在这家公司中他的工作是为大型数据管理和处理、SOA以及实现各种NAVTEQ的项目定义架构的愿景。

    Boris Lublinsky is principal architect at NAVTEQ , where he is working on defining architecture vision for large data management and processing and SOA and implementing various NAVTEQ projects .

  13. 他是映像管理领域的首席架构师,分别负责映像和ICON的TPM、基础虚拟映像生命周期管理的产品,以及自动进行虚拟映像构建和组合的组件。

    He is the architect lead in the image management area responsible for TPM for Images and ICON , respectively , the product for the base virtual image life cycle management and the component automating the build and composition of virtual images .

  14. 在20世纪80年代晚期,Andy曾担任SNA通讯协议APPC(或LU6.2)的首席架构师。他在SNA架构小组的工作获得了分布式两阶段提交处理领域中的多项专利。

    In the late 1980s , Andy was lead architect for the SNA communication protocol known as APPC ( or LU6.2 ); his work in the SNA architecture group led to a number of patents in the area of distributed two-phase commit processing .

  15. 他将担任项目所有者和首席架构师的角色。

    He will act as project owner and lead architect .

  16. Peter以前曾在IBMRational担任全球解决方案交付组织的首席IT架构师。

    Previously , Peter served as the Chief IT Architect of the worldwide solution delivery organization at IBM Rational .

  17. 现任CIDG首席网络架构师兼CEO。

    Incumbent CIDG Chief Network Architect and CEO .

  18. 首席软件架构师能产出什么呢?

    What does a Chief Software Architect ship ?

  19. 我在数周前与一家大型企业的首席企业架构师进行了一次有意思的交谈。

    I had an interesting meeting with the lead enterprise architect for a large company a few weeks ago .

  20. 华为首席战略架构师党文栓解释说华为正和奥迪、丰田两家公司合作研发自动驾驶汽车。

    Dang Wenshuan , Huawei 's chief strategy architect , explained that Huawei is working with both Audi and Toyota to develop the vehicles .

  21. 我当时有多个头衔:分公司经理、项目经理、技术总监、首席工程师和系统架构师等。

    I had several titles at that time : branch manager , project manager , technical lead , principle engineer and systems architect .

  22. 我们的公司文化与结构非常有趣。我当时有多个头衔:分公司经理、项目经理、技术总监、首席工程师和系统架构师等。

    We had an interesting company culture and structure . I had several titles at that time : branch manager , project manager , technical lead , principle engineer and systems architect .

  23. 首席工程师承担了产品负责人职责中的一大部分,同时还要承担首席架构师在开发项目中的工作。

    The Chief Engineer shares most of the Product Owner responsibilities stated above but additionally is the chief architect of the development project .