
  1. 汤普森的继任者将是麦当劳高级副总裁兼首席品牌官史蒂夫o伊斯特布鲁克,伊斯特布鲁克于1993年加入麦当劳,2011年离职,先后担任PizzaExpress和拉面道的首席执行官,PizzaExpress和拉面道都是总部位于英国的餐饮品牌。

    Thompson 's successor , SVP and chief brand officer Steve Easterbrook , joined the company in 1993 but left in 2011 to become CEO first of Pizza Express and then Wagamama , both UK-based restaurant brands .

  2. 当2003年他们首次开始合作时,德里是连锁海鲜餐厅lochfynerestaurants(简称lfr)的首席执行官,当时他正在寻找下一个更具创意的餐饮品牌进行开发。

    When they first joined forces in 2003 , Mr Derry was chief executive of Loch Fyne restaurants , the seafood chain , and was looking for a second , more creative brand to develop .

  3. 消费者餐饮品牌选择行为的实证研究

    Empirical research on consumer brand choice in catering industry

  4. 在一张微波薄面饼里塞入切达干酪才是真正的墨西哥式食物,就像由餐饮品牌塔可钟提供的食物一样。

    A microwaved flour tortilla stuffed with cheddar cheese is about as authentically Mexican as a Dorito Loco taco from Taco Bell .

  5. 是一家充满活力和朝气的餐饮品牌,餐料物流配送于一家的实业公司。

    Is a vigorous and dynamic food and beverage brands , meals material logistics and distribution company in one of the industry .

  6. 我们在品牌上不能和国际餐饮品牌媲美,但在产品上敢和他们叫板,我们很自信。

    Our food and beverage brands and international brands can not match , but they dare to challenge the product , we are very confident .

  7. 百胜拥有肯德基、必胜客和塔可钟等众多餐饮品牌。上个月百胜透露了收购小肥羊已发行股票计划的初步意向。

    Yum , which owns KFC , Pizza Hut and Taco Bell , signalled its intentions last month with a preliminary proposal to acquire Little Sheep 's outstanding shares .

  8. 这样也为自已餐饮品牌创造了发展之路,也是为我国餐饮业全面发展做出更大的贡献!

    This also created a brand for their own food and beverage development , but also for the comprehensive development of China 's catering industry to make greater contributions !

  9. 通过提升品牌价值,培育中国知名餐饮品牌,增强中国餐饮企业的国际竞争力。

    Only through the enhancement of brand value and the successful cultivation of famous Chinese food and beverage brands can the international competitive force for Chinese catering industry be heightened .

  10. 估计丘德威在这笔交易中大获其利。这是一系列涉及知名度较高的个人以及豪华餐饮品牌的类似交易中的首例。

    The sale , from which Mr Yau supposedly made a large profit , was the first of a series of similar deals involving high-profile individuals and luxury dining establishments .

  11. 作为较早进入印度竞争激烈的食品市场的西方餐饮品牌,多年来麦当劳努力克服一个根本层面的问题:其核心产品是牛肉汉堡,而在大部分人口为印度教教徒的印度,牛肉是禁忌。

    An early Western arrival into India 's competitive food market , McDonald 's worked for years to overcome a fundamental problem . Its core product offering - beef burgers - is taboo for India 's Hindu-majority population .

  12. 美国《全国餐馆新闻》报道称,2014年是30年来麦当劳美国市场史上首度出现销售额下滑。单个美国餐饮品牌创造的史上最长销售增长记录就此告终。

    As Nation 's Restaurant News has reported , this year was the first time in at least 30 years that sales at the company 's U.S. business declined , ending the longest run ever of domestic restaurant sales growth for a single chain .

  13. 因此,企业应该努力寻找产品、服务、品牌与中国文化的衔接点,增加品牌的附加价值,在企业营销活动中借鉴各类文化因素,有效地丰富餐饮品牌的内涵。

    Therefore , the enterprise should try to find the cohesion point of products , service , and the brand with Chinese culture , increase the added value of brand , and effectively enrich the connotation of the catering brand by considering the cultural factors in the marketing activities .

  14. 保食品质量安全,塑餐饮信誉品牌(上)

    Ensure Food Safety and Shape Credit Brand ( Part I )

  15. 新世纪餐饮企业品牌经营战略

    Strategic Thinking about Brand Management for Food and Beverage Enterprises in the New Century

  16. 从消费者角度出发,探究了老字号餐饮企业品牌资产的来源。

    This study also inquires the sources of Chinese traditional Catering business enterprises ' brand equity in the view of the customers .

  17. 但是目前大多数餐饮企业对品牌的认识还有很大的局限性。

    However , to the majority of the restaurant owners , the concept of branding is still limited .

  18. 本文实证研究了国内某一餐饮百强企业的品牌创建实践,侧重考察了其在品牌识别规划和品牌客户关系管理方面的实践。

    This article studies the brand practice of one of the top 100 catering enterprises .

  19. 多年来,宾馆以其“热情、细致、周到”的服务在国内外赢得极高的声誉,新香园大酒店早已荣获“杭城十大餐饮名店”的品牌。

    As a new star flying over the north sky of city Hangzhou , the East Hotel has gained its great reputation and fame for its heart-warm , careful and thoughtful services both home and abroad .

  20. 近年来,国内餐饮特许经营取得了巨大的发展,众多的餐饮特许品牌如雨后春笋般纷纷涌现出来。

    In recent years , the franchise restaurant systems have made tremendous development , a large number of franchise food brands have emerged one after another .