
  • 网络lower esophageal sphincter;LES
  1. 其机理可能与改善食管下括约肌(loweresophagealsphincter,LES)功能、抑制胃酸分泌、促进胃排空以及保护食管黏膜等有关。

    Its mechanism may improve the function of lower esophageal sphincter ( LES ) and inhibit the gastric acid secretion , promote gastric emptying and protect esophageal mucosal and so on .

  2. 1929年,赫特和耙意识到这种疾病是由食管下括约肌(LES故障引起的)放宽。

    In1929 , Hurt and Rake realized that the disease was caused by a failure of the lower esophageal sphincter ( LES ) to relax .

  3. 人食管下括约肌M2和M3受体的基因表达

    Expression of muscarinic receptor subtypes M2 and M3 in lower esophageal sphincter

  4. 在怀孕期间或者序贯口服避孕药的妇女食管下括约肌(LES)的压力减少支持这一实验结果。

    Support for this theory includes observations that lower esophageal sphincter ( LES ) pressures decrease during pregnancy and with the use of sequential oral contraceptives .

  5. 术后3个月食管下括约肌(LES)残留压、松弛率以及食管基础压均恢复正常,钡餐结果显示为正常食管影像,24h食管pH值测定正常,未见返流。

    After three months the patient 's LES residual pressure , percent relaxation and the oesophagus basic pressure came back to normal , barium swallowing and 24 hours pH monitoring were normal .

  6. 目的:比较兔食管下括约肌(loweresophagealsphincter,LES)与食管体部形态变化,探讨食管体部平滑肌和LES细胞收缩功能及对乙酰胆碱的反应。

    AIM : To compare the morphology of lower esophageal sphincter ( LES ) and esophageal body , and to explore the response of contraction of the smooth muscle of LES to acetylcholine ( ACh ) .

  7. 目的探讨一氧化氮在人食管下括约肌(LES)舒张中的作用,比较其对钩状纤维和套索纤维的不同作用。

    Objective To explore the mechanism of relaxation mediated by nitric oxide on the human lower esophageal sphincter ( LES ), and compare the difference in relaxation response between clasp fibers and sling fibers .

  8. 食管下括约肌(LES)是位于胃食管接合部特殊增厚的环形肌,人LES宽度约2~3cm。

    The lower esophageal sphincter ( LES ) is a thickened region of the circular muscle layer of the distal esophagus , in human extending over an axial distance of 2 – 3 cm .

  9. 食管下括约肌松弛率(LESRR)为(691±163)%,明显低于正常对照的(960±01)%(P<001);

    LESRR ( lower esophageal sphincter relax rate ) of achalasia accounted for ( 69.1 ± 16.3 ) % , which was lower than that of controls ( P < 0.01 );

  10. 人食管下括约肌多巴胺受体的表达规律

    The Expression of Dopamine Receptors in the Human Lower Esophageal Sphincter

  11. 38例患者进行食管下括约肌压力检测;

    The pressure of esophagus of 38 patients with RE were detected .

  12. 食管下括约肌长度测定的临床意义

    Clinical study on measurement of length of lower esophageal sphincter

  13. 一氧化氮介导人食管下括约肌舒张的作用机制

    Mechanism of relaxation mediated by nitric oxide on human lower esophageal sphincter

  14. 一氧化氮在犬贲门失弛缓症模型食管下括约肌中的作用

    The Role of Nitric Oxide in Lower Esophageal Sphincter of Achalasia Model in Dog

  15. 结论人类食管下括约肌的套索纤维和钩状纤维对胃泌素和胃动素具有明显不同的反应特性。

    Conclusions The sling fibers and clasp fibers have different responses to gastrin and motilin .

  16. 用腔内微型换能器进行食管下括约肌压力的测定

    Measurement of the resting pressure in the lower esophageal sphincter with intraluminal miniaturized pressure transducer

  17. 胃泌素和胃动素对人离体食管下括约肌张力的调节机制

    Regulation of gastrin and motilin on the tension of human lower esophageal sphincter in vitro

  18. 兔食管下括约肌与体部形态及毛酰胆碱对其功能影响的比较

    A comparative study of acetylcholine on the function and morphology of lower esophageal sphincter and esophageal body in rabbits

  19. 酸损伤对兔食管下括约肌形态及功能的影响

    Effect of acid perfusion on the function and morphology of in lower esophageal sphincter ( LES ) cells of rabbits

  20. 目的探讨胃泌素和胃动素对人类食管下括约肌的套索纤维和钩状纤维的作用规律。

    Objective To explore the regulatory mechanism of gastrin and motilin on sling fibers and clasp fibers of human lower esophageal sphincter .

  21. 短暂性食管下括约肌松弛是胃食管反流的主要机制但不是其原因

    Transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations ( TLESRs ) are the major mechanism of gastroesophageal reflux but are not the cause of reflux disease

  22. 7例吞咽后食管下括约肌松弛障碍,包括食管下括约肌无松弛或松弛不全6例,松弛时程过短1例。

    Seven patients were diagnosed with motility disorders of the lower esophageal sphincter including incomplete relaxation or no relaxation on swallowing ( 6 ), short relaxation duration ( 1 ) .

  23. 取一组作为空白对照组(A组),正常喂养7天。7天后余下3组按文献并加以改进造模,行不完全幽门缝扎+食管下括约肌切开术,一周后给药。

    Take a group as the control group ( A group ), normal feeding for 7 days . 7 days remaining three groups according to literature and improved modeling , doing " incomplete pyloric ligation + incision of lower esophageal sphincter ," after a week for delivery .

  24. 结果显示,肝硬化肝功能A~C级各组食管下段括约肌静息压依次降低,松弛压力增大,松弛率变小;

    The results showed that from Child grade A to C , LESP in cirrhosis group reduced , relaxation pressure increased , and relaxation percentage become lower successively ;

  25. 用高阈值参数电刺激迷走神经引起预先投给阿托品的狗食管下段括约肌部压力的降低;

    Electric stimulation of the vagus efferent with high threshold parameters elicited a reduction of the pressure of sphincter in the lower part of the esophageal in the atropinized dog ;

  26. 术后7d复查食管测压食管下括约肌(loweresophagealsphincter,LES)功能压均降至正常;

    The esophageal manometry showed the lower esophageal sphincter ( LES ) pressure had decreased to normal levels at 7 days after operation .

  27. 婴幼儿食管裂孔疝食管下括约肌功能研究

    Function research of esophageal lower sphincter in infant with hiatal hernia

  28. 非糜烂性反流病患者食管内脏高敏感性与食管下括约肌局部降钙素基因相关肽阳性神经纤维的关系

    Relationship between Esophageal Hypersensitivity and Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide Positive Fibers in Lower Esophageal Sphincter Mucosa of Patients with Non-erosive Reflux Disease

  29. 据文献规定的标准,有3例弥漫性食管痉挛,4例胡桃钳食管,6例食管下括约肌高压症,1例非特异性运动障碍。

    According to the diagnostic standard , suggested in literature , there were 3 cases of diffuse esophageal spasm , 4 nutcracker esophagus , 6 hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter , and 1 nonspecific motility disorders .

  30. 目的:观察成人食管下胸段及腹段血管走向。重点观察食管下括约肌(LES)区血管走向及与下胸段血管吻合关系。

    Bjective : Observation of the artery trend on the inferior thoracic and abdominal segment of the esophagus , especially for the cardiac sphincter region .