- 网络Bolus

The diurnal ruminating cycle appeared in the time of noon break . The ruminating behavior took place mainly at nights . Compared to days the time of rumination was longer and the number of ruminating circle and ruminating food bolus were increased at nights .
Conclusion Aspiration is common in convalescent patients with stroke in restoration stage .
There were 117 food pellets mixed with mouse bones , which occupied 34.2 % .
Video fluoroscopic ( VF ) showed that the cricopharyngeal muscle can open normally when the food went through .
In the investigation , 342 food pellets were found , in which there were 287 food pellets mixed with mouse hair , which occupied 83.9 % .
The duration ratio of rumination to intake was 0.56:1.00 , and the total number of ruminated cuds at daytime and night was 422.25 . Nanjiang yellow goat was approved to be fast intake , good in tolerance , and able to bear low quality forage and various climate conditions .
The ratio of minute of rumination to minute of feed intake is 1.88 to 1.Boer goat ruminate 354.25 ± 3.35 bolus .