
  1. 制造商:蒙城县五洲食业有限责任公司。

    Manufacturer : Wuzhou food industry co. , ltd Mengcheng county .

  2. 理论界也不断地在食业中掀起一阵阵变革热潮,例如企业再造工程等。

    The theorists constantly bring about a great upsurge in enterprise such as the project of enterprise reconstruction .

  3. 笔者论述了家具食业标准化体系建设工作的原则、目的、具体内容和方法。

    The principles , purposes , contents and methods of standardization work of the enterprises are discussed in this article .

  4. 国有粮食购销食业产权制度改革宏观应集中政策性一块,放活经营性一片,按建立粮食购销企业产权主体地位、形成产权主体多元化结构的思路,因地制宜、以多种形式进行。

    And the reforming importance of property right in national grain company should be attached to " Concentrate one policy to activate various management " to present the major role of property right in national grain company and to make the property right multi-formalized according to different situations .

  5. 在资源约束下,农业结构调整与优化的3个主导方向是强化农牧结合,大力发展食草性畜牧业;

    Discusses the three ways of adjusting and optimizing agricul-tural structure with resources restriction and agricultural industrialization , i.