
  1. 在食品产业链中,上游生产者有掺假行为的动机根源来自于检测水平的不确定造成产品信息的不完善,从而激化了小农户与大企业之间的利益冲突。

    In the food industry , the producers ' adulterate motive sources from the uncertainty of quality information , which sharpens conflicts of interest between small farmers with large enterprises .

  2. 市场主体应该加强以契约责任为基础纵向合作关系,明确食品产业链上下游各方的责任和目标,加强食品安全管理和信息建设。

    Market main body should strengthen the contract liability based on vertical cooperation , clear food industry chain on the lower reaches of the responsibility of the parties and the target , strengthen food safety management and information construction .

  3. 其次从食品安全产业链的角度来分析我国食品安全存在的问题,一是土壤污染,二是养殖生产企业违法添加有毒有害物质,三是食物中毒类突发公共卫生事件。

    Second , from the perspective of food safety chain to analyze the problems of food security , one is soil pollution , the second is aquaculture producers who illegally added toxic and hazardous substances , the third is a public health emergency type of food poisoning .

  4. 根据食品加工业产业价值链结构,揭示了以上三个要素在食品加工业国际竞争力形成过程中的形成机理。

    Based on the value chain structure in food processing industry , the paper discussed the mechanisms of how the three factors are turned into international competitiveness .

  5. 本文依据微观经济学、计量经济学、管理学等理论,结合实地调研,对食品产业绿色供应链管理模式与绩效评价进行了分析与研究。

    Based on microeconomics , econometrics , management and other theories , this article analyzes and studies the food industry green supply chain management and performance evaluation with field research .

  6. 这部分主要依据博弈论,分析了外部性因素、信息不对称和成员自私性行为等因素构成食品产业绿色供应链发展制约因素的机理。

    According to game theory , this part mainly analyzes the development constraints ' mechanism of the food industry green supply chain . The development constraints are consisted of the external factors , asymmetric information , the selfish behavior of the members and other factors .

  7. 食品产地溯源技术是食品产业链风险管理的有效措施。

    Food traceability techonology is an effective measure of the food chain risk management .

  8. 食品安全,既影响整个食品产业链的沿伸,也决定经济社会发展水平,更是党和政府高度重视的民生问题。

    Food safety , both affect the extend of the the whole food industry chain , also decided the level of economic and social development .

  9. 为了更好地发展黑龙江省的冷冻食品产业,促进黑龙江食品行业的快速发展,通过对冷冻食品产业与冷藏链现状的分析,阐述了黑龙江省冷冻食品行业与冷藏链发展中存在的问题;

    In order to develop the frozen food industry and accelerate the food industry in Heilongjiang province , the analysis based on of present situation of the frozen food industry and cold chains , the existing problems and development strategies are included in this paper .

  10. 本文仅就开发新型的现代化工业化食品加工行业、无废加工、包装、HACCP质量安全体系、工业化食品加工产业链等问题作一点简要论述。

    In this paper , problems of developing new modernization and industrialization food industries , non-waste manufacture , package materials , HACCP plan , and industrial chain of industrialization food processing will be discussed .