
  • 网络Flight Simulator
  1. 比如,一名飞行教官可以测试飞行模拟游戏,一名会计师可以测试税务软件,一名教师可以测试一个新的教育软件。

    For example , a flight instructor could test a flight simulator game , an accountant could test tax preparation software , or a teacher could test a new child education program .

  2. 曲线在实时3D引擎中的作用主要是帮助描绘空间物体的运动轨迹和一些飞行模拟游戏中的飞行路径。

    The main function of curve in the real-time 3D engine is to assist in portraying the movement orbit at spatial object and flight route in same flight simulated games .

  3. 当时,游戏研发费用暴涨了200%,但销售收入却基本没有增加,那些制作图像逼真的飞行模拟游戏和即时战略游戏的公司苦苦挣扎。

    Back then , development costs tripled , but revenue remained about the same , and outfits making graphically intensive flight simulation and real-time strategy games , for instance , struggled .

  4. 大地形的快速实时绘制对于虚拟现实、GIS、飞行模拟、游戏制作等方面的应用都有着重要意义。

    Real-time rendering of huge 3D terrains plays an important role in Virtual Reality , GIS , flight simulation , game manufacture , and many other fields .

  5. 在虚拟场景中,尤其是室外虚拟场景,如飞行模拟、游戏和军事演习等系统中3D云是一个非常重要的组成部分,使场景的真实度和交互性大大提高。

    In virtual scene , especially in outdoor virtual scene such as flight simulation 、 game and war game system , 3D cloud is a very important part because it improves the third dimension of the virtual reality .