
  • 网络Airplane mode;flight mode;fly;Flight Patterns
  1. 大多数智能手机在飞行模式下禁用Wi-Fi,蓝牙和蜂窝传输,但斯诺登和Huang表示这不可信任。

    Most smartphones disable Wi-Fi , Bluetooth and cellular transmission when in airplane mode , but Snowden and Huang say that can 't be trusted .

  2. 谷歌声称其新款Nexus7的电池可以维持超过九个小时,但它们的测试是在飞行模式(没有网络连接)、屏幕亮度44%的设置下播放视频。

    Google claims the battery life can last over nine hours , but the company tests it in Airplane mode ( Internet connection off ) , with screen brightness set to 44 % while playing video .

  3. 也可以使用像Offtime或Unplugged这类应用程序有策略地安排自动飞行模式来设立无科技区。

    You can also use apps like Offtime or Unplugged to create tech free zones by strategically scheduling automatic airplane modes .

  4. 非平行飞行模式机载双站聚束式SAR分辨力研究

    Study on the Azimuth Resolution of Non-parallel Mode Bistatic Spotlight SARs

  5. 推导了任意飞行模式下双站SAR的几何与信号模型,分析了其多普勒特性。

    It is concluded in this dissertation that the eligible Bi-SAR signal processing is coupled with the flying-mode .

  6. 研究了采用反作用飞轮为执行机构的整星零动量卫星绕X轴大角度偏置飞行模式的姿态解耦控制问题。

    This paper designs an attitude decoupling control law for small satellite in large-angle biased flight mode about roll axis of zero-momentum system via reaction wheels .

  7. 最后研究了在双站平行飞行模式下的RD算法及BP算法,并用该算法进行了点目标仿真,分析了这两种算法在双站SAR成像中的应用特点。

    At last , RD and BP algorithm application characteristics in Bistatic SAR are discussed and the simulation experiments under parallel model were taken .

  8. 然后,针对两种典型飞行模式,分析了各参数对正前视双基地SAR分辨率的影响,并通过仿真实验论证了分析结果。

    Then in the background of two modes , it analyzed the affect of Bistatic SAR space resolution by every parameter alone . And simulations are made to prove the analysis .

  9. 本文首先分析了机载双基地SAR在任意飞行模式下的几何模型与回波信号模型,阐述了二维匹配滤波成像机理,给出了分辨率与双基地SAR系统参数间的理论关系。

    The geometry and echoed signal models of airborne bistatic SAR in general flight configuration are introduced . Two-dimensional matched filtering principle is examined and theoretical relationship between resolution and bistatic SAR system parameters is suggested .

  10. 在成像机理方面,首先建立了任意飞行模式下双基地SAR的几何模型和回波模型,详细分析了其距离史、多普勒特性及空间分辨率特性。

    In mechanism of imaging , the geometry models and the echo models of the bistatic SAR are set up under wanton flight mode at first ; range history , the characteristic of Doppler and the characteristic of spatial resolution are analyzed in detail .

  11. 放手,你坏了我的飞行模式。

    Let go , you 're wrecking my flight pattern .

  12. 艾瑞克不接你的电话,他把手机调成了飞行模式。

    Eric won 't answer your calls . He 's in airplane mode .

  13. 你为什么不调成自动飞行模式呢?

    Why didn 't you turn on the autopilot ?

  14. 在飞行模式下,它禁用所有无线功能以遵守航空系统的规定。

    In its Airplane Mode , it disables all wireless features to comply with airline regulations .

  15. 他现在处于“飞行模式”。

    He 's in airplane mode .

  16. 当然这些设备必须处于飞行模式,而且你仍然不能打电话。

    The devices have to be in airplane mode , and you still cannot make phone calls .

  17. 在各种飞行模式下包含有四种姿态控制:滚动、俯仰、偏航和升降。

    In each mode , it includes four attitude controls : rolling , pitching , yawing and thrust .

  18. 仿真表明,对于给定的飞行模式和飞机参数,该算法可以成功地估计浮标的位置,并且分析了飞机与浮标的距离、测量频率和飞行高度对定位的影响。

    The effect of aircraft-to-sonobuoy range , the frequency of measurement , and changes in altitude are also analyzed .

  19. 当你和朋友们见面时,把手机调到飞行模式,让自己有至少20分钟不受打扰的沟通时光。

    When you are meeting friends put your phone on airplane mode and allow at least 20 minutes of uninterrupted communication .

  20. 当飞机进入自动飞行模式,飞行员可以睡一会儿,去方便下,甚至锻炼。

    While flying on auto-pilot , either pilot will be able to sleep for a while , use the toilet , even exercise .

  21. 目前乘客可以在飞机行驶过程中使用开启了飞行模式的手机和笔记本电脑。

    Passengers can now use mobile phones , tablets and laptops during the entire flight , as long as they have airplane mode switched on .

  22. 使用飞行模式可以关闭所有无线连接,在网络不好的地方,这是最便捷、最省事的解决方案。

    Airplane Mode , an option that will turn off all wireless features , is a quick and easy solution in areas with poor reception .

  23. 现场装定飞行模式航迹数据,实时修正飞行轨迹,定时发送遥测、控制信号。

    Flight path data was loaded on spot , and the flight orbit was revised in real time , remote measurement and control signal was sent out .

  24. 在此基础上,利用交叉反馈选择出系统的第一阶模态振动,并调节各参数使扑翼飞行器实现不同的飞行模式。

    Then the first modal vibration of the system was selected by cross feedback , and the flapping-wing micro air vehicle realized different flying modes by adjusting system parameters .

  25. 以飞机在垂直平面的运动方程为基础,采用线性时间负荷控制的飞行模式,提出了求解飞机最短时间爬升轨迹的格点搜寻算法。

    To solve the problem of minimum time-to-climb , building a dynamic model of motion in the vertical direction and taking the flight mode as the linear load control .

  26. 推特提供了一个简单的解决办法:或者关机或者重开电话,或转换电话到“飞行模式”,然后回来。

    Twitter was abuzz with a simple solution : Either shut down and restart the phone , or switch the phone to " airplane mode " and then back .

  27. “飞行模式”指某人不上社交网站,也不开手机,完全切断与外界的联系。

    Airplane mode ( or flight mode ) means someone cuts themselves off from the world by not logging on to social networking sites or checking their cell phones .

  28. 本方法可用于导航控制、天线跟踪和遥测数据处理等系统中,可以提高定位的准确性,并进行飞行模式的自动判决。

    This filter can be used in navigation , antenna tracking , and telemetry data processing systems to improve the locating accuracy and to realize the flight mode auto judgment .

  29. 谷歌声称其新款Nexus7的电池可以维持超过九个小时,但它们的测试是在飞行模式(没有网络连接)、屏幕亮度44%的设置下播放视频。

    Google claims the battery life can last over nine hours , but the company tests it in Airplane mode ( Internet connection off ), with screen brightness set to 44 % while playing video .

  30. 对姿控系统的硬件组成、卫星的飞行模式和控制策略、星务管理软件的体系结构和总体设计思想、姿控软件和星务管理软件的接口设计等内容做了重点讨论。

    The hardware architecture of the attitude control system , the fly modes of satellite and their control strategy , the architecture and layout design of the satellite keeping system , the interface of the attitude control system and the satellite keeping system are discussed here .