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  • alligator
短吻鳄[duǎn wěn è]
  1. 他正在环礁湖里与一只短吻鳄搏斗。

    He was grappling with an alligator in a lagoon

  2. “Gator”的发音听起来很美式,但短吻鳄这个词可以追溯到16世纪时的西班牙语单词“ellagarto”,是蜥蜴的意思。

    Gator sounds pretty American , but alligator dates back to the 1500s and the Spanish word el lagarto , which means " the lizard . "

  3. SylviaMythen说她简直不能相信自己的眼睛,确实是一只橙色的短吻鳄。

    Sylvia Mythen said she believed to her eyes . It was indeed an orange alligator .

  4. DavidWeathers是一名短吻鳄猎人及饲养者,他表示喂食短吻鳄非法的原因是,一旦这种爬行动物从人类获得食物之后,他们就不再害怕人类。

    David Weathers , a nuisance-alligator trapper and owner of several alligators , said the reason it 's illegal to feed alligators is because once the reptiles are fed by humans , they lose their fear .

  5. 今年夏天,数名来自动物权益保护组织——善待动物组织(PETA)的成员,潜入一家为爱马仕提供鳄鱼皮的‘短吻鳄工厂’做卧底,将这些鳄鱼所处的极糟糕的环境曝光。

    This summer , members of the animal rights group PETA went undercover at an ' alligator factory ' that provides skins for Hermes , exposing that the creatures were kept in terrible conditions .

  6. 上月被短吻鳄咬去一只手的湿地汽船船长本周五被捕。63岁的WallaceWeatherholt正面临着非法喂养短吻鳄的罪名指控。

    An Everglades City airboat captain who lost his hand to an alligator last month was arrested Friday.Wallace Weatherholt , 63 , is facing a misdemeanor charge of unlawful feeding of an alligator .

  7. 华伦天奴(Valentino)使用短吻鳄的近亲鳄鱼的皮制造出其目前最奢华的一款包包,叫做Tricolor鳄鱼皮剑桥包,售价30045美元,采用色块设计,软羔皮内衬,确保物有所值。

    Those gator bags ' crocodile cousins went into making Valentino 's most luxurious bag of the moment . The brand 's $ 30045 Tricolor Crocodile Satchel Bag has a color-block design and suede lining to justify the credit card bill .

  8. 6月12日,Weatherholt正带着一个印第安纳州家庭进行湿地旅行,突然遇到一只9英尺长的短吻鳄,他的手从手腕处被鳄鱼咬下。

    Weatherholt was leading an Indiana family on a tour of the Everglades on June 12 when he encountered a 9-foot alligator , which bit his hand off at the wrist .

  9. 如果这个短吻鳄曾经被Weatherholt或其他任何人喂过,即使只是看到了这艘船的影子都会让鳄鱼急着去靠近他。

    If the alligator in this incident had been fed in the past - either by Weatherholt or someone else - just the sight of the airboat could bring the alligator right up next to it , he said .

  10. 产于中国长江的小型短吻鳄,脚趾间无蹼。

    Small of the Yangtze valley of China having unwebbed digits .

  11. 下颚的感觉接收器让短吻鳄能察觉到水中一丁点的移动。

    Vibration receptors in jaws let alligator detect tiny movements in water .

  12. 一位生物学家表示,这可能是一只短吻鳄。

    One biologist says that it 's probably an albino .

  13. 你发现的这只腹部还有部分外星生物残骸的短吻鳄。

    This alligator you found with the partially digested alien in its belly .

  14. 愚蠢?我承认。短吻鳄的眼泪涌向你。

    Rattled yes , it 's true , alligator tears spilled over you .

  15. 然后短吻鳄便在里面产卵。

    The alligator then lays her eggs in it .

  16. 是的,但是短吻鳄比较慢一点。

    Yes , it is , but an alligator .

  17. 短吻鳄是鳄鱼的一种,属短吻鳄科。

    An Alligator is a species of crocodilian that falls under the family Alligatoridae .

  18. 短吻鳄只存在于两个国家:美国和中国。

    Alligators are found only in two countries : the United States and China .

  19. 短吻鳄在水边用草为自己做窝。

    The alligators build their nests out of grass near the water 's edge .

  20. 产于中美和南美的形似短吻鳄的鳄鱼,其腹部有比较重的盔甲。

    Alligator-like reptile of Central and South America having a more heavily armored belly .

  21. 很多人都认为佛罗里达的短吻鳄比迪士尼乐园里可爱的米老鼠可怕得的多。

    Some might consider Florida 's alligators to be more frightening than Mickey Mouse .

  22. 短吻鳄是阿拉巴马州唯一可以合法捕猎的危险动物。

    Alligators are the only dangerous-game species that can legally be hunted in the state .

  23. 教授:你是否有听过在纽约下水道生活的短吻鳄的故事?

    Professor : Have you ever heard the one about alligators living in New York sewers ?

  24. 目击者称小男孩浮出水面后尖叫着说自己被一只短吻鳄咬到了。

    Witnesses say the boy surfaced , screaming that he 'd been bitten by an alligator .

  25. 他还熟知这里最著名的栖居者&短吻鳄。

    He also knows a lot about one of its most famous inhabitants & the alligator .

  26. 中国的短吻鳄已经濒危,只在长江谷内存活着几十条。

    The Chinese alligator is extremely threatened with only a few dozen inhibiting the Yangtze River valley .

  27. 短吻鳄产于美洲和中国的江湖及湿热地带。

    Alligator lives in the rivers and lakes in the hot wet parts of America and China .

  28. 猎人们捕杀鳄鱼和短吻鳄以便用它们的皮做皮鞋和皮包。

    Hunters kill crocodiles and alligators so that their skins can be made into shoes and handbags .

  29. 你可以清晰的看到这只橙色的短吻鳄,或许也可能是白化变种。

    You can clearly see an orange alligator . It 's probably , almost an albino , in between .

  30. 现在,这里的居民说,他们非常欢迎这只橙色的短吻鳄把这里当作他的新家。

    For now , residents say the orange , almost albino gator is welcome to call Sorrento Woods home .