
  • 网络risky asset;risk asset;Risk capital
  1. 尽管存在上述问题,但在投资者仍对拥有高风险资产的小公司感到不放心之际,aim上市矿商越来越认为,被中国公司收购可能是最好的结局。

    In spite of the problems , in an investor climate still nervous about small companies with risky assets , aim-quoted miners are increasingly viewing a Chinese takeover as the best possible end-game .

  2. 由于银行拒绝提供贷款,财务部长HenryPaulson建议通过购买高风险资产来缓解信贷市场压力。

    As banks refused to lend , Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson proposed a plan to loosen credit markets by buying risky assets .

  3. 欧洲银行业没有此类“杠杠率”,而且巴塞尔协议II也允许它们将主权债券视为零风险资产。

    European banks do not have this kind of " leverage ratio , " and Basel II has allowed them to treat sovereign debt as having zero risk .

  4. Markowitz的均值-方差模型表明,投资者的最优风险资产为市场投资组合。

    Markowitz 's mean-variance model indicates that the optimum risk asset being the market portfolio .

  5. 探讨CAPM中风险资产市场组合的替代品选择问题。

    The problem of choosing a substitute for the market portfolio of risk assets in CAPM is discussed .

  6. 针对在金融市场中资产收益的非正态分布以及资产组合中不同的风险资产的非线性相关,将Copula理论应用于资产组合的VaR估计之中。

    Copula theory is put forward to solve the problem of non-gauss distribution of assets returns and non-linear correlation of the risky portfolios .

  7. 如果通胀预期和风险资产价格继续下行,才有可能实施某种形式的qe3。

    If inflation expectations , and risky asset prices , keep sliding , then some form of qe3 becomes possible .

  8. 1952年,Markowitz,Harry在《资产组合选择》一文中,第一次从风险资产的收益率与风险之间的关系出发,建立了均值&方差模型,为资产定价理论奠定了坚实的基础。

    In 1952 , in the " Portfolio Selection ", Markowitz , Harry established a mean - variance model from the relationship between risk and profit of risk assets for the first time .

  9. 例如,无风险资产是资本资产定价模型(CAPM)、资本市场线(CML)以及部分现代组合理论的基础。

    For example , the risk-free asset is the foundation of the capital asset pricing model ( CAPM ), the capital market line ( CML ) and parts of modern portfolio theory .

  10. 在风险资产服从Stein-Stein模型的假设下,研究了幂效用函数的最优投资组合问题。

    Under the assumption that the traded asset follows the Stein-Stein model , this paper studies the optimal portfolio problem with a power utility function .

  11. 这样的薪酬结构会促使雇员投资高风险资产。

    Such pay structures encourage employees to invest in high-risk assets .

  12. 对于投资者而言,可以分为无风险资产和有风险资产两种。

    There are risk-free asset and risky asset available for investors .

  13. 由于投资者减持风险资产,债券价格上涨。

    Bond prices rose as investors pulled back from risky assets .

  14. 这个泡沫主要体现在为了拥有高风险资产而进行的杠杆融资上。

    This bubble is primarily leverage financing for owning risky assets .

  15. 基于行为金融学的风险资产定价模型研究

    Study on the Pricing Model of Risky Assets Based on Behavioral Finance

  16. 关于长期债券是长期投者无风险资产的研究

    The Study on that Long-Term Bonds are Risk-free Assets for Long-Term Investors

  17. 第二步:借入资金,将之投入风险资产。

    Step two : borrow money and invest it in risky assets .

  18. 政府债券是否仍应视为无风险资产?

    Should government bonds still be viewed as risk free ?

  19. 这为高风险资产的复苏创造了条件。

    That has helped nurture the recovery in risky assets .

  20. 是指投资基金在无风险资产与有风险资产组合之间的配置决策。

    Allocation of invested funds between risk-free assets and the risky portfolio .

  21. 存在无风险资产时组合投资的有效边界

    The Efficient Boundary of Portfolio Allowing Risk-free Asset Investment

  22. 基于红利支付的两个风险资产的期权定价

    The Two Risky Assets Options Pricing Based on Dividents

  23. 卖空机制影响风险资产组合。

    The short-selling mechanism affects the optimal portfolio .

  24. 即便风险资产上涨,我们仍能赚到2.5%。

    If risky assets rally , I 'm still going to earn my2.5 % .

  25. 实际上,这不会使低风险资产和高风险资产之间产生差别。

    In effect , no distinctions would be made between low-risk and high-risk assets .

  26. 风险资产的一般定价模型

    A General Pricing Model for Risk Assets

  27. 研究证券市场主要是为了研究风险资产的收益率。

    Stock Market Research is mainly to research the rate of Return of risk assets .

  28. 税收减少了风险资产的预算收益,但也降低了它的风险。

    Taxes reduce the expected return on a risky asset but also lessen its riskiness .

  29. 任何看涨风险资产的押注,实际上都是在押注不会出现政策错误。

    Any bullish bet on risky assets means betting that policy errors will not happen .

  30. 根据风险资产定价理论,确立了资本化率的计算模式。

    Lastly , we borrow risk assets pricing theory to build capital discount rate counting route .