
fēng cǎi
  • elegant demeanour;elegant demeanor;graceful bearing;elegant appearance
风采 [fēng cǎi]
  • [elegant demeanor;graceful bearing] 美好的仪表举止;神采

  • 风采动人

风采[fēng cǎi]
  1. 在佛像雕刻方面宋代呈现了它独特的艺术风采。

    It has presented its unique art elegant demeanour in image of Buddha carving aspect in Song dynasty .

  2. 现代年轻人要有现代人的穿着。现代时装公司为您展示现代人的风采。

    Modern young people must have modern dress . The Modern Fashion Company shows you elegant demeanour of modern people .

  3. 歌剧院是个名流和时尚人士竞显风采的地方。

    The opera was the place to see and be seen .

  4. 现场聚集了数以千计的人争相目睹她的风采。

    People flocked in their thousands to see her .

  5. 我忍不住要一睹名人的风采。

    I couldn 't resist the opportunity to meet a real live celebrity .

  6. 乐迷为了一睹乐队风采,把大厅挤得水泄不通。

    Fans packed the hall to see the band .

  7. 亨德里克斯在台上的风采吸引了成千上万的叛逆少年。

    Hendrix 's stage presence appealed to thousands of teenage rebels .

  8. 为了一睹英雄的风采,人群喊叫着,推搡着。

    Crowds shouted and pushed to get a glimpse of their hero .

  9. 几千名支持者翘首企盼能一睹新总统的风采。

    Several thousand supporters strained to catch a glimpse of the new president

  10. 他的动作带着一种训练有素的拳击手的风采。

    He moved with the grace of a trained boxer

  11. 为了一睹女主角的风采,一些追星族已经在海德公园饭店外守候了24个小时。

    Some of the fans had waited 24 hours outside the Hyde Park Hotel to catch a glimpse of their heroine .

  12. 大家都推搡着为一睹王子的风采抢占好位置。

    Everyone was pushing and shoving to get a better view of the prince .

  13. 举朝惮其风采。(《明史》)

    All the other court officials were awestruck by his strict rectitude .

  14. 几个十几岁的影迷围着舞台的门口一睹那位演员的风采。

    Several teenage fans hung around the stage door to get a glimpse of the actor .

  15. 全国各地大约有l0万名学生参加该项目的系列比赛,每年五月则进行类似游戏展风采的全国性赛事。

    About 100,000 students around the country participate in the program 's competition series , which culminates in a national game-show-style contest held each May .

  16. 在《星球大战》原三部曲中,最能够展现尤达大师原力风采的当数他把卢克的X翼战机从沼泽里提出来了。

    Yoda 's greatest display of raw power in the original trilogy came when he lifted Luke 's X-wing from the swamp .

  17. 本文分析研究了PKI的技术基础,并通过几个比较典型的应用实例,展示了PKI技术的迷人风采。

    This paper analyzes PKI technique base , and shows PKI technology elegant demeanor by force of several typical application example .

  18. 老将风采:8届NBA全明星球员,1999年的NBA最佳新秀,2000年的扣篮大赛冠军。

    An 8x \# NBA All Star , the 1999 @ NBA Rookie of the Year , & the 2000 Slam Dunk champ .

  19. 她在世界舞台上的名望,她几乎像总统般的风采,都使她与众不同,美国国务院顶级职业外交家比尔伯恩斯(BillBurns)对我说。

    Her stature on the world stage , her almost presidential stature , has set her apart , Bill Burns , the top career diplomat at the State Department , tells me .

  20. BMW的设计者们从人类体型特点出发,在汽车的内部设计上达到了最大程度的舒适度以及展示你自我风采的最大空间。

    Taking their cues from the human physique , BMW designers have created an interior that offers maximum comfort and ample space to express yourself .

  21. GAGA还派给了她忠实的粉丝们一个福利,她们可以去她入住的宾馆一睹偶像风采。

    Gaga organised the special treat for all her loyal fans , who descended on her hotel to catch a glimpse of their idol .

  22. 虽然乔布斯未能在有生之年实现夙愿,但我们现在终于能够一睹iCar风采,虽然它并不是由苹果打造。

    Though jobs never got to make it happen , the ICAR is coming .

  23. 美籍华人设计师兼投资人Teddy的工作就是重新设计装修老房子,他使老建筑旧貌换新颜,重新现风采的本领堪称一绝。

    The job of Chinese American stylist and investor Teddy is to redesign and redecorate old houses , endowing the weathered buildings with new elegance . And he does play magic .

  24. 歼十等军用战机、M25狙击步枪、甚至连坦克都在影片中大展风采。

    It showcases weapons including J-10 fighter jets and other military aircraft , M25 sniper rifles and even tanks .

  25. 本周六,汽车制造商TelsaMotors将进行最新车型S的试驾,这也意味着数千名预订用户将有机会一睹该公司第二款零排放电动四门轿车的风采。

    This Saturday , Tesla Motors is holding a test drive to reveal the latest versions of its second zero-emission automobile , the all-electric four-door model s to several thousand reservation holders .

  26. 虽然球迷们、还有至少一支球队仍然坚信罗斯能够重现MVP的风采,但公牛队却失去了继续等下去的时间和精力。

    But as there are fans and at least one team that still hold out hope Rose will return to MVP form , the Bulls no longer had the time and energy to continue the wait .

  27. LadyGaga“破蛋而出”的现身方式已经足够让人们议论很多天。在颁奖典礼现场,她赢得了一大堆奖项,还换了一身“装备”,秀出了别样风采。

    After making her grand entrance in the egg that would be talked about for days , the singer picked up a slew of awards and switched to an outfit that showed off some of her other assets.We sure hope that latex didn 't chafe .

  28. 第一章介绍西部散文风采与特征。

    The first chapter presents prose style and features . Western .

  29. 他的风采让我们感到激动。

    He has an aura that make us feel the thrills .

  30. 前往汤姆斯马克中心一睹此人风采。

    And see this guy at the Thomas and Mack center .