
  1. 而风能是世界上最丰富的自然资源,取之不尽用之不竭,对环境没有污染,在世界范围内得到了广泛的应用和发展,风力发电技术是风能利用的最好形式。

    Wind power is the most abundant natural resources , so it has a wide range of applications and development in the world scope .

  2. 然而,虽然政府提供了几十年的补贴,但太阳能和风能在世界上几乎每个地方的能源使用中仍然只占很小的比例。

    Yet , despite decades of subsidies , solar and wind still make up a tiny percentage of energy virtually everywhere in the world .

  3. 在能源消耗日益增长濒临枯竭,环境污染日渐严重的今天,作为可再生绿色能源的风能成为世界各国普遍重视的能源,风力发电技术也成为各国学者竞相研究的热点。

    Now with energy resources being consumed increasingly to be exhausted and environment empoison being serious gradually , wind power is paid great attention to by more and more countries as renewable resource and pollution-free energy resource . The technology also becomes research hotspot of many scholar .

  4. 风能成为当今世界可再生能源利用增长速度最快的能源,我国的风力发电也正在进入一个快速发展的时期。

    Wind power generation in China is also coming into a period of rapid development .

  5. 在可再生能源的开发过程中,风能受到了世界各国的关注。

    As the development of renewable energy source , wind energy has drawn worldwide attention .

  6. 作为一种无污染的可再生的能源,风能在全世界范围内越来越多的受到重视。

    As a pollution-free and renewable power source , Wind energy is getting more and more attention in the whole world .

  7. 在严重的资源和环境压力下,清洁能源&风能开始成为世界各国争相发展的产业。

    Under the severe pressure of resources and the environment , every county all over the world actively develop the clean energy industry - wind industry .

  8. 风能是目前世界上关注度最高的可再生能源之一,各国都投入精力致力于风能利用的产业。

    Wind energy is renewable energy which attracts highest attention in the world , many countries invest lost of cost to develop to utilize wind energy .

  9. 随着环境污染的日益加剧,风能已经成为当今世界最重要的可再生能源之一。

    With the worse condition of environmental pollution , wind power has become one of the key renewable energy over the world .

  10. 全球风能资源蕴藏量巨大,若能充分利用风能将大大改善世界能源结构,缓解全球能源供应紧张和环境问题,为世界可持续发展做出重大贡献。

    There are enormous reserves of wind energy resources all over the world . If the wind power could be made full use of , which could greatly improve the world energy structure , reduce global energy supply and environmental issues , make significant contribution to sustainable development .