
  • 网络AVCD;The Fung Shui Master;The fung-shui master
  1. 现在是将事业做得风生水起的时候。

    Now is the time for the venture of the work itself .

  2. 虽然名字起得缺乏吸引力,但是CRM却是一个风生水起的行业。

    Lack of appealing acronyms aside , the CRM industry is booming .

  3. 90年代晚期,互联网正风生水起,浏览器公司网景(Netscape)、雅虎(Yahoo)和易趣都刚刚新鲜出炉。

    In the late 1990s the Internet was coming into its own .

  4. 苹果推出iPhone时,RIM与诺基亚(Nokia)正在智能手机领域做得风生水起。

    Research in motion and Nokia had a robust business in smartphones when the iPhone came along .

  5. 当前,基于能源战略的考虑,国内LNG项目的建设风生水起。

    At present , based on considerations of energy strategy , the domestic LNG Construction project spring up .

  6. 等到英特尔和AMD最终分出了胜负,智能手机和平板电脑革命早已风生水起,而且很大程度上将这两家公司晾在了一旁,令它们的市场份额都出现了一定程度的缩水。

    While Intel and AMD slugged it out , the smartphone and tablet revolution took place largely without them , diminishing the stature of both companies .

  7. 此前很多媒体都曾报道,2008年,正当这家社交网站风生水起之时,多西被迫辞去Twitter首席执行官一职,由曾经的哥们、联合创始人伊万•威廉斯接任。

    As was widely reported , Dorsey was pushed out of his role as twitter CEO in 2008 , just as the social network was gathering steam , replaced by once-pal and co-founder Evan Williams .

  8. 尽管LPP可能是核能创业公司中唯一一个靠众筹来拉资金的公司,但它也像它的小兄弟们一样,立志要把死气沉沉的核能行业搅得风生水起。

    While LPP might be the only crowdfunded member of the group , it is determined like its young peers to shake up the staid nuclear industry .

  9. 当然F4的成员们不必为此发愁。两年前他们在最后一次集体亮相后,便宣布单飞,目前在各自的领域也都做得风生水起。

    This will not worry the members of F4 , however , who are all flying solo and doing well in their respective careers , after last performing together two years ago .

  10. 但在表面的风生水起之下暗藏着谨慎情绪。

    But , just below the surface , lurks caution .

  11. 罗伯特善于将不妙的财务报告写得风生水起。

    Robert was adept at putting positive spin on weak financial reports .

  12. 他的歌多次登过榜首,他的生活风生水起。

    He had No.1 hits and his life was rolling .

  13. 也有很多在销售领域做的风生水起资产丰厚。

    Many others are thriving at sales and are wealthy .

  14. 谷歌在中国一直就没怎么风生水起过。

    Google has never had a strong footprint in China .

  15. 两位女性都在男性主导的行业干得风生水起,但她们也经历过不少磨难。

    Both women have thrived in male-dominated industries , but not without struggles .

  16. 一些西方消费品厂家在国内平凡无奇,在中国却混得风生水起。

    Some Western consumer-goods firms that are also-rans at home do surprisingly well in China .

  17. 景观行业在中国风生水起!

    Landscape architecture takes root in china .

  18. 展示行业伴随着国际间的文化与技术交流而风生水起。

    The display industry has been greatly increasing along with the international cultural and technical exchanges .

  19. 但是,如果你想在工作上风生水起,这几件事你可不要做。

    But here are a few things not to do if you want to succeed on the job .

  20. 随着网络技术的逐渐高深化发展和社会科学的不断发展,对于网络的研究也风生水起。

    Gradually as the speed develop in technology and social science the study to network deepen and deepen .

  21. 走出成功商业电影哈利波特的爱玛沃森虽然生活中看不出万事通小女巫的痕迹,但也在布朗大学混得风生水起。

    Emma Watson plays a key role in one of the biggest movie franchises in history , while also attending Brown .

  22. 就连在美国处处碰壁的二维码,在中国购物市场也是混的风生水起,无处不在。

    Even QR codes , which have largely flopped in the U.S. , are used everywhere in China to buy goods .

  23. 就在事业风生水起之时,他被抓入查尔斯顿监狱,服刑期间吃了不少苦头。

    His journey is interrupted by a stretch in the Charleston penitentiary , where he learns a few painful facts of life .

  24. 在这一要求得到批准之后,他们又酝酿对旧政权下混得风生水起的企业提起腐败指控。

    Now that demand has been granted , corruption allegations are being pursued against businesses that did well under the old regime .

  25. 在这里,正是借五行之名,希望在当代艺术的探索上可以风生水起,循环不止。

    Here , it borrows the name of the Five Elements hoping the research of contemporary art could be circulating and unceasing .

  26. 伴随着西方国家纷纷进入后工业社会的步伐,后现代主义思潮应运而生,在各个艺术领域里风生水起。

    Along with the Western countries are entering the post-industrial society of the pace , postmodernism came into being , in the various fields of art .

  27. 民生新闻在新闻实践中是风生水起,但理论界和业界对民生新闻的舆论引导力研究是零星散见。

    Livelihood is the practice in the news fast , but the theory and industry news media guide on the livelihood of a few scattered power .

  28. 为了让公司发展得风生水起,你和他必须在公司的发展方向和经营理念上达成共识。

    For the company to succeed , you and he must agree on the direction of your company and the values by which it will run .

  29. 视觉文化的风生水起给面临生存困境的文学期刊以启示和借鉴。

    At the turn of the century , the rising of the visual culture gives the literature periodical the strategy and the apocalypse which faced existence predicament .

  30. 自从2005年鲍伯·依格接任行政总裁职位后,迪士尼在电视和电影领域可以说是左右逢源、风生水起。

    Today under Bob Iger , who took over as chief executive in2005 , Disney is enjoying a remarkable and profitable run of hit TV programmes and films .