
  • 网络frequency accuracy
  1. 可编程定时/计数器作脉冲信号发生器时提高输出频率准确度的方法

    The Method to Improve the Output Frequency Accuracy of Programmable Timer / Counter Used as Pulse Generator

  2. 要使晶体振荡器的输出信号保持原子标准所固有的频率准确度和稳定度,所用压控晶体振荡器必须具有优良的性能。

    The performance of VCXO must be excellent so as to maintain the inherent frequency accuracy and stability of the atomic standard .

  3. 本文就被动型原子钟的环路设计讨论了原子谐振器频率准确度和稳定向锁定晶振的传递问题。

    The loop design of the passive atomic clock is discussed to accomplish the transfer of the frequency accuracy and stability from the atomic resonance to the locked oscillator .

  4. 而基准源的频率准确度与稳定性等指标直接影响各基站对同一个目标的测量结果,特别是对长时间积累的处理结果。

    The accuracy and stability of the reference frequency in base stations affects on the measurement results of a very single target , especially on the results for a long accumulation processing .

  5. 频率的准确度和稳定度是发射机的一个重要性能指标。

    The accuracy and the stability of signal frequency are very important performance indication in the transmitter .

  6. 两项提高铯束频率基准准确度及简化准确度评定步骤的方法

    Two Methods of Improving the Accuracy of the Cesium Beam Frequency Standards and Simplifying Their Accuracy Evaluation Procedure

  7. 尽管心跳频率的准确度还有待考量,但这一想法也相当夺人眼球。

    It remains to be seen just how accurate they really are , but the idea is definitely an intriguing one .

  8. 首先,对红外接收器的工作原理进行了深入研究,为了保证中心频率的准确度,采用中心频率可调技术,保证信号的准确接收。

    To guarantee the accuracy of the center frequency , the center frequency adjustable technology is adopted to ensure receiving accurately the signal .

  9. 该方法一方面提高提取故障特征频率的准确度,另一方面相比传统细化频谱方法,计算量和运行所占内存减少。

    This method could improve the veracity of fault distilling and reduce the computation time and memory room when compared with traditional zoom spectrum .

  10. 提出了一种新的基于三角基函数神经网络的电力系统谐波测量方法,给出了该神经网络算法的收敛定理,并采用加窗插值算法修正基波频率的准确度。

    A new harmonic analysis method for electric power systems based on triangle basis functions neural network was presented , the convergence theorem of the algorithm was proposed , and a window function and interpolation algorithm were employed to correct the frequency of fundamental waves .

  11. 时间频率的高准确度测量方法

    High Accuracy Method for the Time / Frequency Measurements

  12. 从国际发展的趋势上看,频率标准的准确度和稳定度提高得非常快,几乎是每隔6~8年就提高一个数量级。

    In international trend , accuracy and stabilization improve very quickly by one order of magnitude every 6-8 years .

  13. 由于铷原子频标具有优良的频率和时间准确度及稳定度,被广泛应用于导航、通信、守时授时和各种科研领域。

    The rubidium atomic frequency standards have been used in so many respects as navigation , communication , time transport and several science fields .

  14. 采用简单PWM原理单相三线瓦特/频率变换器及准确度分析

    A Single-phase Three-Wire Watt to Pulse Frequency Converter Using Simple PWM and Its Accuracy Analysis

  15. 本文介绍的石英挠性伺服加速度计,其分辨率可达5×10~(-8)g,在0~200Hz频率范围内,准确度优于±2%。

    In this paper , a quartz-flexible servo accelerometer with a resolution of 5 × 10-6g and precision better than 2 % within a range of 0-200 Hz is introduced .

  16. 用曲线拟合法提高石英晶体温度传感器的温度频率关系参数的准确度

    Improving the Precision of Temperature-frequency Relation Parameters of Quartz-crystal Temperature Sensor by Method of Curve Fitting

  17. 这就要求作为声纳发射机的驱动信号源要有相当高的频率稳定度和准确度,特别对于调频信号。

    The signal oscillator , as a driver of the power amplifier , must have high frequency stability and accuracy .

  18. 为提高扫描过程中频率的精度和准确度需要选择合适的扫描信号和检测方法。

    We should choose the suitable sweep signal and good test method to improve the precision and accuracy of frequency .

  19. 该信号发生器具有输出频率准确、频率稳定度高、频率分辨率高、频率转换速度快、产生调制信号种类多和杂散抑制良好等特点。

    It is excellent in frequency accuracy , frequency stability , frequency resolution , fast frequency switching speed and multiple modulated types .

  20. 导频单音法可以消除星载主振器的频率漂移对测速准确度的影响。

    The introducing single tone method can eliminate the influence of the frequency drift of SCMO on the accuracy of velocity measurement .

  21. 为了解决频率稳定度、准确度和频率高、宽范围可调之间的矛盾,就需要频率合成技术。

    To address the frequency stability , accuracy and high frequency , wide scope of powers between the contradictions requires frequency synthetic technology .

  22. 通信系统的不断发展对信号源的频率稳定度和准确度以及频谱纯度提出了越来越高的要求。

    The continuous development of communication system has put forward a higher and higher demand on the stability and accuracy of the frequency source .

  23. 本文研究的目的是调查任务前准备时间长短对中国中级和高级英语学习者自我纠正的使用频率、分布和准确度的不同影响。

    The purpose of this study is to investigate how manipulation of different pre-task planning time can have different effects on the frequency , distribution and accuracy of self-repair for Chinese intermediate and advanced L2 learners .

  24. 在低信噪比条件下,采用频率细化方法提高了频率估计的准确度。

    When signal-to-noise ratio is low , frequency refining method is used to improve accuracy of frequency estimation .

  25. 文中详细地讨论了如何利用微机处理机采集组信标机信号频率值,并计算出其频率准确度和频率稳定度,采集的数据和处理的结果通过微型打印机输出。

    Acquisition of signal frequency is specified , frequency accuracy and stability is calculated , data acquired and processed result is printed .

  26. 在频率域估计中,改进了傅立叶谱分析法,提高了纹线频率计算的准确度;根据求得的纹线方向和纹线频率设置Gabor滤波器模板,对指纹图像进行滤波处理。

    Fourier spectral analysis is improved to obtain a more accurate ridge frequency in computing ridge frequency . According with estimated orient field and ridge frequency , we use Gabor filters to enhance fingerprint image .

  27. 最后根据两频率源间的相位随时间的变化情况,换算出被测频率源的频率准确度和稳定度情况。

    At last , the stability of frequency can be obtained according to the case that the phase between two frequency source varies with time .

  28. 提出一种基于快速傅里叶变换FFT(FastFouriertransform)准确测量系统频率的算法,并考虑了被测量系统频率的电压信号有效值的波动对系统频率测量准确度的影响。

    A FFT ( Fast Fourier Transform ) based algorithm for frequency measurement of power system taking amplitude and phase fluctuation of signal into consideration .

  29. 本文还将该频率细化方案应用到快跳频信号的跳频频率的参数估计中,也可以提高跳频频率估计的准确度。

    The frequency refining method is also applied to estimate the frequency-hopping frequency of fast frequency hopping signal , the accuracy also can be increased .

  30. 该频率计采用彩电副载频作为内时基并引进了单片微机系统,因此有很高的频率稳定度及准确度,各种辅助功能强。

    Taking color subcarrier as time base and disposing a single-Chip Microcomputer make the accuracy and stability of this meter very high and the auxiliary functions complete .