
  • 网络substitute for leadership;Leadership Substitutes
  1. 第二次是20世纪30年代世界资本主义危机爆发后从自由的初级产品出口战略到国家领导的进口替代化战略的转变;

    The second time is the change from free preliminary product export strategy to import substitutive industrialization strategy led by the state in 1930s after world capitalist crisis was broken out .

  2. 第三次是20世纪80年代国际债务危机爆发后从国家领导的进口替代工业化战略到新自由主义的出口导向发展战略的转变。

    The third time is the change from import substitutive industrialization strategy led by the state to the developing strategy of the new liberalism export guide in 1980s after international debt crisis was broken out .

  3. 纵观领导理论的发展历史和当今发展的实际情况,可以看出,领导的内涵必将发生更深刻的改变,领导的绝对性将被改变,而传统的领导观也会逐渐被动态的领导观所替代。

    From the development , it can be known that the nature of the leadership will have a more significant change , and the traditional leadership theories will be substituted by the dynamic leadership .