
  1. 当然,他这是在阐述他的领导哲学。

    He was expounding , of course , his philosophy of leadership .

  2. 老子领导哲学主体思想探析

    Analysis on Laozi 's Subjective Ideology in a Philosophical Leadership

  3. 接下来,他向我讲述了自己的领导哲学。

    Next he told me about his leadership philosophy .

  4. 关于领导哲学研究的一些思考

    Thoughts on the Study of Leadership Philosophy

  5. 他们还分享了领导哲学的苍蝇,在面对传统的管理策略。

    They also share a leadership philosophy that flies in the face of conventional management strategy .

  6. 我的领导哲学是:“把他们扶起来,拍拍他们身上的尘土,让他们继续前进!”

    My philosophy is " Pick them up , dust them off and get them moving again . "

  7. 在服务型领导哲学的指导下,结合当代管理实践的成果,可以把服务型领导实践的基本内容确定为建立愿景、建设发展型组织、授权与激励。

    With the guide of servant leadership philosophy , combining contemporary management practice achievements , we can divide base servant leadership practice into building common vision , constructing developing organization , authorizing and stimulating .

  8. 洞察时代特征凝聚时代精华&党的第三代领导的哲学新思维初探

    Perceiving Features and Embodying Prime of the Times & Probing the New Philosophy of CPC 's Third Leadership

  9. 领导艺术的哲学透析

    An Philosophical Research on the Art of Leadership

  10. 包括老子领导思想的哲学基础&道和其辩证法。

    Including his leadership of the philosophical foundation - " Tao " and its dialectics .

  11. 党的三代领导核心的哲学创新都是在特定的时代条件下,在解决中国社会面临的重大历史课题的过程中实现的。

    Specific , The philosophical innovation of three generations of communist party are accomplished in the process of resolving important historical tasks facing China under specific circumstances .

  12. 中小学校长简约领导是以哲学、心理学和管理学为理论基础的,它具有增强领导效能、提高教育质量和改变学校环境的意义。

    Theoretical basis is the philosophy , psychology and management science about The Simple leadership of school principals . It enhances leadership effectiveness , improve the quality of education and change the meaning of the school environment .

  13. 服务型领导方式作为至今为止最高级的管理形态具有最高水平的服务性,因此,服务型领导哲学明确把管理的本质规定为服务;第二,管理者与被管理者是主体间的关系。

    Servant leadership as the highest management form has the highest service characteristic . As a result , servant leadership philosophy takes the service as the nature of management . Secondly , the relationship between managers and employees is inter-subjects relationship .