
  • 网络Risk prevention;anticipating risk
  1. 尽管有证据表明,用1美元来预防风险至少可以节省2美元的重建费用。

    This is despite evidence that a dollar spent on risk-reduction saves at least two on reconstruction .

  2. 但就目前而言,预防风险仍是第一要务。

    But for the moment , risk prevention remains the top priority .

  3. 中国官员们表示,目前,预防风险是他们的首要任务。

    Chinese officials say that for now , risk prevention is their top priority .

  4. 保险仅仅对已经发生的风险进行补偿,但并不能预防风险。

    Insurance merely offsets risks that are already present ; it does not prevent them .

  5. 在贷款以前,对客户的信用状况进行评价,能够有效地预防风险。

    It can prevent risk effectively through assessing borrower credit exactly before loans put out .

  6. 最后,为了从根本上降低风险投资项目的风险,本文提出了几项加强项目风险管理的具体措施,以期能有效避免风险、预防风险、降低风险或化解风险。

    Finally , in order to avoid project risk from spring , the paper put forward some venture precaution .

  7. 医生们表示,改善饮食不仅对控制糖尿病至关重要,而且可以预防风险最高的成年人群的患病。

    Doctors say that improving diet is important not only for managing diabetes , but for keeping the adult-onset Type 2 at bay for those with the highest risk .

  8. 本文分析了供应链的安全风险及其产生的原因和后果,提出了预防风险的对策,目的是规避风险及降低风险产生的损失。

    The writer of this paper carries out analyses into the security risks of supply chain , their causes and consequences . Several countermeasures are put forwards to prevent these risks to avoid them and reduce the possible losses .

  9. 按照国家标准、规范,并结合经验建立了风险指标的模糊集合、风险矩阵及模糊规则,然后进行了模糊推理,得到了系统的风险等级,并制定了预防风险的措施。

    According to the national standards , rules and experiences , the paper presents the fuzzy risk variables sets , risk matrix and fuzzy rules , then makes fuzzy reasoning , and finds the risk level of the system , and takes some measures to avoid the risk .

  10. 重点探讨了风险管理在排水泵站SCADA系统项目管理中的应用,如何规避已识别风险,预防已知风险,缓解改变风险来源,制定应急预案,避免需求风险等。

    The application of risk management in the project of SCADA system are discussed emphatically , such as avoiding and preventing known risk , mitigating and changing the source of risk , building up emergency plan and avoiding demand risk .

  11. 处理、贮存和处置设施审计(简称TSD设施审计)属于环境审计的范畴,是企业预防环境风险、避免环境损失的重要工具,也是环境审计的新领域。

    The auditing of treatment , storage and disposal facility belongs to the new field of environmental auditing which is a good tool to avoid environmental risks and losses .

  12. 在此基础上,提出了预防性风险管理方法是危险化学品公路运输行之有效的风险控制方法,并引用了危害分析与关键控制点方法(HACCP)。

    On this basis , proposed a preventive approach to risk management of dangerous chemicals road transport to be effective methods of risk control , and refers to a method of hazard analysis and critical control points ( HACCP ) .

  13. 明确的有关免疫预防的风险和利益的信息沟通也十分关键。

    Clear communication on risks and benefits of immuno-prophylaxis is critical .

  14. 并有针对性的提出预防已知风险的几种措施和方法。

    Several targeted measures are explained to prevent known risks .

  15. 再通过敏感性分析,可判断出关键事件,并预防信用风险事件的发生。

    Further more by sensitivity analysising , we could estimate the key event .

  16. 资本外逃的一般动机是出于预防货币风险,我国的资本外逃虽然也存在这样的动机。

    Generally , the motivation to remove capital abroad is to protect against currency risk .

  17. 企业通过交易前的分析研究,做到防患于未然,预防信用风险的发生;

    We prevent the credit risks before it happens through way of customer information analysis before the transaction .

  18. 这些长期风险的确存在,但阻止危机变得更严重比预防这些风险重要得多。

    Both these longer-term risks are real , but they are far outweighed by the need to stop the rot.

  19. 贷款准备金制度是银行为预防信贷风险、核销信贷损失的一项重要的资金储备制度。

    Loan-loss provisioning system is an important reserve system that will guard against the risk of credit , countervail loan-loss .

  20. 在房地产项目风险管理中,应进行科学的风险分析,风险预防及风险抑制。

    Risk management in real estate projects , should be carried out scientific risk analysis , risk prevention and risk mitigation .

  21. 该构想对开展大型社会经营活动的事故预防、风险管理、应急处理和控制具有重要参考价值。

    This supposition is an important reference for preventing accident , risk management , emergency response and control in large-scale social operating activities .

  22. 如今西格尔正在研究一种定制的鞋子,看它是否能够帮助女人们预防这个风险,帮助妈妈们拥有正常的双脚。

    Segal 's now investigating whether custom shoe inserts can protect women against that risk , and help get motherhood off on the right foot .

  23. 信用卡风险管理的措施大致上可以分为风险规避、风险预防、风险分散转移、风险补偿等。

    The measures to tackle credit card risk generally can be divided into Risk aversion , risk prevention , risk transfer and risk compensation and so on .

  24. 对于环境法本身而言,其本身就是对未来的不确定的环境风险的一种预防和风险出现后的治理。

    In terms of environment law , it is a kind of prevention on the uncertainty of the future and a kind of governance after the risk appears .

  25. 风险控制坏节的对象是风险评价中对项目影响大的风险因素,针对这些风险因素实施重点防范和控制,论文中使用了风险预防和风险转移两种措施。

    The object of risk control is the factors which score is less then three . The paper used risk prevention and risk transfer to control risk in this project .

  26. 文摘:通过对石油勘探开发过程中可能发生的环境风险进行识别和分析,提出了预防环境风险的方法和对策。

    Abstract : based on acknowledgement and analysis of possible environmental risk occurred during the process of petroleum exploration and development , the method and strategy preventing environmental risk are recommended .

  27. 政府建议主要包括:稳定房屋销售价格;优化房屋供需结构、完善住房保障;加强市场监管,健全法制建设;完善房地产投资的信贷政策、预防金融风险等等。

    Government advice mainly include ; home sales price stability , adjust supply and demand imbalance , improve the housing safeguard , perfect real estate investment credit policy and preventing financial risks .

  28. 通过压力测试法、情景分析法、风险回避、损失预防、风险转移、风险自留、保险等风险管理方法来提供专业知识支持。

    By the methods of stress testing , scenario analysis , risk avoidance , loss prevention , risk transfer , risk retention and insurance , the banks can provide expertise to support .

  29. 环境法本身作为预防环境风险的法律,当然地,也要紧跟时代与社会的步伐,不断充实实践经验,创新理论体系。

    As a law for preventing environmental risks , of course , environment law should also keep up with the pace of the times and society , enrich practical experience constantly and innovate theoretical system .

  30. 另一方面,研究按照钻宇公司风险管理的实践,分别提出了风险预防、风险减轻、风险转移以及风险回避这四项人力资源风险管理策略,同时提出了相应的具体实施措施。

    On the other hand , on the basis of company risk management practice , the research proposed some corresponding concrete implementation measures , from the aspects including risk prevention , risk mitigation , risk transfer and risk aversion .