
  • 网络Type;typology
  1. 因此,这个地方便成了基督的预表,众民都要聚集一起来敬拜祂。

    So this place became a type of Christ with his people gathered around him .

  2. 约伯是耶稣的预表。

    Job was a type of Christ .

  3. 那筐好无花果预表什麽?

    What did that one basket of good figs symbolize ?

  4. 旧约对新约来说是暂时的,和预表性的。

    The Old Covenant was temporary and typological of the New Covenant .

  5. 基督是《圣经》里所有预表的实体。

    Christ is the truth and substance of all the types and shadows .

  6. 的确,利未记是旧约的第三卷书,可是,它却预表了基督。

    It is the third book of the Old Testament but it speaks of Christ .

  7. 这预表我们先需要救恩,然后再需要圣灵的能力。

    This spoke of their need of salvation first and then the oil spoke of power .

  8. 昔日神以吗哪为礼物赐给以色列人,预表祂把耶稣基督作为最好的礼物,赐给我们。

    The gift of manna to ancient Israel was a sign of the sustaining gift of Christ Jesus to us .

  9. 旧约出现许多类似的预表,包括神为亚伯拉罕预备了一只羊羔,让它替代以撒作为祭牲献上;

    The same truth is foreshadowed in so many ways in the Old Testament-Abraham 's Iamb which replaced Isaac on Mt.

  10. 主耶稣预表了在那个白马上的骑士。白马就是王的马。

    Jesus is pictured as the rider on the white horse . A white horse is a king 's horse .

  11. 这是预表基督在十字架上受死,祂流出来的血遮盖和洁净了我们罪。

    It foreshadowed Christ 's death on the cross where His blood was shed and covered us , cleansing us from our sin .

  12. 旧约时代,神悦纳许多不同形式的献祭,因为它们都预表耶稣在十字架上,为我们所作的牺牲。

    In the Old Testament , God took pleasure in the many sacrifices of worship because they foretold of Jesus'sacrifice for us on the cross .

  13. 使徒认为信徒是神所拣选的人,已经过了他们的(),如出埃及十二章者所预表的。

    This indicates that the apostle considered the believers God 's chosen people , who have had their (), as typified by the one in Exo.12 .

  14. 两座机场都是这两座城市未来成为移民城市的预表,从纽约中央火车站到巴黎火车站大厅。

    Both are part of a vision of a mobile society , one that extends back through Grand Central Terminal to the great train halls of Paris .

  15. 任何企图要重新设立摩西的民事律法,或是它们的处罚,都未能理解旧约(摩西时期之圣约)那预表性的、暂时性的、和民族性的特质。

    Any attempt to reimpose the Mosaic civil laws or their penalties fails to understand the typological , temporary , national character of the Old ( Mosaic ) covenant .

  16. 你要对他们说,主耶和华如此说,这是关乎耶路撒冷的君王和他周围以色列全家的预表(原文作担子)。

    Say thou unto them , Thus saith the Lord GOD ; This burden concerneth the prince in Jerusalem , and all the house of Israel that are among them .

  17. 可是,从亚当到摩西,死就掌权了,甚至那些不像亚当那样犯罪的人,也在死的权下;亚当正是要来的那一位的预表。

    Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to moses , even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of adam 's transgression , who is the figure of him that was to come .

  18. 我明白到,他们现在攀上的山峰预表一个决定性、“分水岭”的时刻,就是他们要以一个严肃的方式作出影响他们未来的决定之时。

    I was made to understand that the peak they were now climbing toward represented a decisive ," watershed " moment , when they would make a decision that would affect their futures in a serious way .