
yù bàn hùn nínɡ tǔ
  • ready-mix concrete
  1. 随着预拌混凝土生产规模的扩大,人们对大型混凝土搅拌站管控系统提出了更高的要求,而目前大型混凝土搅拌站管控系统信息化、智能化滞后,对生产效率和产品质量构成了较大的影响。

    As the expansion of the scale of RMC ( Ready-Mix Concrete ) production , higher requirement is proposed to the management and control system of large concrete mixing plant .

  2. Markov过程在预拌混凝土市场预测中应用

    Application of prefabricated concrete based on Markov chain in marketing prediction

  3. C60高性能预拌混凝土的生产及应用

    The production and application of C60 high-performance ready mixed concrete

  4. 再谈1h促凝压蒸法测强对预拌混凝土质量的早期控制

    Again discussed 1h presses to congeal the pressure to steam the law to measure strongly to in advance mixes the concrete quality the early control

  5. 关于上海预拌混凝土可持续发展的探讨

    Discussion on Sustainable Development of Shanghai Ready - Mixed Concrete Industry

  6. 预拌混凝土冬期施工技术及质量控制措施

    Winter construction technology and quality control measurement of ready mixed concrete

  7. 影响预拌混凝土专用水泥性能的因素及改善途径

    Factors affecting cement behavior special for ready-mixed concrete and improvement ways

  8. 废弃灰浆在复合砂预拌混凝土中的应用研究

    Research of scrap grout application in ready-mixed concrete with mixed sand

  9. 尾矿在预拌混凝土中应用的试验研究

    Experimental study on the mine tailing sand used in ready-mixed concrete

  10. 人工砂在预拌混凝土中应用的几个问题的探讨

    The discussion on the application of artificial sand in ready-mixed concrete

  11. 采用复合掺合料配制预拌混凝土的试验研究与应用

    Test Study and Application of Pre-stirred Concrete Prepared with Compound Admixtures

  12. 预拌混凝土结构工程施工质量控制要点

    The control points of construction quality of pre-mix concrete structure projects

  13. 关于预拌混凝土销售和销售管理问题的探讨

    Discussion on Marketing and Marketing Management of Ready - Mixed Concrete

  14. 湖南省预拌混凝土与混凝土机械发展现状

    Current situation of ready mixed concrete and concrete machinery in Hunan province

  15. 液体中性速凝剂与预拌混凝土的适应性研究

    Adaptability of liquid neutral setting - accelerator with premix concrete

  16. 预拌混凝土关键环节质量控制要点研究

    Research on the Quality Control of Key Links in Producing Premix Concrete

  17. 预拌混凝土企业材料成本考核办法的探讨

    Discussion on the assessment method of material cost of ready-mixed concrete enterprises

  18. 预拌混凝土生产废水利用的技术经济初探

    Ready-mixed Concrete Production Wastewater Use Technical And Economic Fabric of The Initial

  19. 重庆市预拌混凝土质量控制规程

    Specification for quality control of ready mixed concrete for Chongqing

  20. 掺粒化高炉矿渣粉预拌混凝土及其在工程中的应用

    Ready-Mix Concrete Mixed with Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag and Its Application in Engineering

  21. 预拌混凝土和高性能混凝土技术的现状与发展

    Status-quo and development of premix concrete and high quality concrete 's Technology

  22. 房地产业新建预拌混凝土站的投资效益分析

    The Feasible Research on Ready Mixed Concrete Station in Real Estate Industry

  23. 预拌混凝土施工楼板裂缝的成因与防治

    Cause & prevention of split on pre-mixed concrete constructive floorboard

  24. 预拌混凝土现浇楼板裂缝的产生和防治

    Analysis on the Cracking of Concrete Poured Floor and its Prevention Measures

  25. 预拌混凝土企业搅拌楼工艺设计要点

    The main points in technological design of concrete batching plant

  26. 现拌和预拌混凝土的回弹&强度曲线比较

    The Comparison of Rebound-strength Curves Between Field-mixed and Ready-mixed Concrete

  27. 预拌混凝土结构构件的裂缝及防治措施

    Fissures in ready-mixed concrete structural elements and its prevention measures

  28. 预拌混凝土生产和使用中存在的认识误区探讨

    Discussion on recognization faults of ready-mixed concrete production and using

  29. 预拌混凝土早期推定强度试验及其应用

    Experiment to predict the strength of premixed concrete early and its application

  30. 预拌混凝土质量问题及大体积混凝土施工控制

    Ready-mixed concrete quality problem and massive concrete working control