
  1. 最后根据研究结果提出顾客口碑价值管理方法。

    Finally , this study proposed customer value management method reputation .

  2. 服务补救可控特征对顾客口碑传播意向的影响

    The Impact of Service Recovery Features on Customers ' Intentions of Word-of-Mouth

  3. 其次,借助凝聚子群分析方法,研究顾客口碑传播网络的子结构,分析口碑信息的传播模式。

    Secondly , the sub-structure of customer word-of-mouth communication network and the WOM diffusion mode are found by subgroup analysis .

  4. 所以,顾客口碑宣传往往比人员促销、广告等传统推广工具更有影响力。

    So , the WOM has more powerful than traditional promotion tools , for example , staff promotion and advertising .

  5. 在消费者行为研究领域,顾客口碑宣传对其他顾客的态度和行为具有巨大的影响作用。

    In consumer behavior research field , the customer word-of-mouth ( WOM ) has great effect on the attitude and behavior of other customers .

  6. 首先,通过问卷调查获得顾客口碑传播网络的数据,从密度、关联性和中心势的角度分析顾客口碑传播网络的整体结构,研究顾客口碑传播网络的基本特性。

    Firstly , the overall structure of customer word-of-mouth communication network is analyzed from density , correlation and centrality in using the data obtained by the questionnaire survey .

  7. 可以这样说,诗俪美能取得今天的卓越成就,都是靠顾客的口碑和支持。

    It can be said that it 's the people that makes Slimming Sanctuary even more remarkable .

  8. 关系质量对顾客忠诚及口碑影响效果的实证分析

    Effect of Relationship Quality on Customer Loyalty and Word of Mouth

  9. 时间、邮政配送履行的程序、邮政服务不一致的处理、邮政服务人员的沟通能力对顾客满意、口碑存在显著影响,并且是正向影响。

    Timeless , Procedures of postal physical distribution , postal distribution service discrepancy handling and postal personal contact quality affect customer satisfaction and word of mouth , and they are positive .

  10. 通过问卷调查和数据分析,描述了我国邮政配送服务质量、顾客满意度、顾客口碑的现状;

    Through investigation and data analysis , this paper describes the postal physical distribution service quality , consumer satisfaction and consumer word-of-mouth at present .

  11. 本公司引进国外技术设备及生产技术,经过不懈努力,使本公司的产品在顾客中赢得一致口碑。

    Combined with the advanced instruments and technology imported from foreign country and our refined craftsmanship , all these efforts have set us enjoyed a good reputation from our customers .

  12. 顾客感知价值、顾客忠诚对口碑传播意愿影响研究

    Study on the Effect of Customer Perceptions , Customer Loyalty on Word of Mouth Willingness

  13. 总之,只有为顾客想的更多,切实为顾客带来更多的福利,才能获得更多的顾客口碑推荐。

    In short , only bring more benefits to customers can we get more customers ' WOM recommendation .