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shùn mín
  • Shunmin;docile subject;people who surrendered to their new lord;people who leave their fate to heaven;abjectly obedient citizens
顺民 [shùn mín]
  • [docile subject] 指归附新统治者或外族侵略者的人

  • 含贬义

顺民[shùn mín]
  1. 小李在家里可是个听话的顺民,妻子女儿都能“领导”他。

    Xiao Li is abjectly obedient at home , as both his wife and daughter can " direct " him .

  2. 这样的话,日本也许就能拥有顺民意得民心的政府。

    That way , Japan might actually get some decent government .

  3. 你与我们立约,我们就做你的顺民。

    Come to terms with us and we will be your subjects .

  4. 我认为,我们首先必须做人,其后才是做国王的顺民。

    I think that we should be men first , and subjects afterward .

  5. 事实上,她沮丧是因为她克制自己,让自己当了二十年的顺民。

    She is depressed because she has denied herself by being agreeable for twenty years .

  6. 中世纪阿拉伯穆斯林对被其征服的非穆斯林各族人民实行顺民政策。

    The policy of obedient citizens was carried out by Arab Muslims over the conquered non-Muslim peoples .

  7. 羊,一般被视为奴隶、顺民的代名词,鲁迅笔下的胡羊正是这类形象。

    The sheep is generally considered as " slave ", a substitution of " docile people " .

  8. 当我的同胞因为争取权利而牺牲时,我选择当好一个顺民。

    When my compatriot because of strives for when the right sacrifices , I choose work as good peaceful populace .

  9. 不过,目前村民的政治文化是分层的、多元的,既有公民文化、顺民文化,也有臣民文化,还有暴民文化。

    However , political culture among villagers is multi-level and pluralistic , ranging from civil culture , traditional passivity and obedience to the culture of the rioter .

  10. 突出岗位特点、注重能力实绩,提高选人用人公信力,顺民声,得民意。

    The advantages of public selection system are highlighting the characteristic of the post , emphasizing the capacity and actual performance , enhancing the credibility of selecting and employing personnel , complying with the will of the masses .