
yīn yuè jié ɡòu
  • musical structure
  1. 试论音乐结构中的二分性原则&以贝多芬《■B大调弦乐四重奏》之结构为例

    On the Dualism of Musical Structure as Reflected in Beethoven 's String Quartet in ' B

  2. 谈肖邦《前奏曲》op·28号的音乐结构的共性与个性

    Commonality and Individuality on the Musical Structure of Chopin 's Prelude op · 28

  3. 本文研究重点为郭文景四场室内歌剧《夜宴》(2001,Op.35)的音乐结构及风格。

    This thesis studies on the musical structure and its style of The Night of The Banquet ( Op.35 ), four scenes chamber opera composed by GUO Wenjing .

  4. 它的名字翻译为六maqams,是指音乐结构,包括六个不同的音乐模式,类似古典的波斯音乐。

    The name , which translates as six maqams refers to the structure of the music , which contains six sections in diverrent musical modes , similar to classical Persian music .

  5. 试论钢琴演奏者音乐结构整合能力及其培养

    How to Cultivate the Pianist 's Ability of Integrating Musical Structure

  6. 第二章论述《阿拉尼诗歌五首》的音乐结构。

    The second chapter discusses the Alani " five poems " musical structure .

  7. 贝尔格作品中的回文结构是其音乐结构中非常突出的特征之一。

    The palindrome structure is one of the prominent features of Berg 's Music .

  8. 远逝的歌声&论杜拉斯《情人》的音乐结构

    Singing of Songs & On the Music Structure of The Lover of Marguerite Duras

  9. 基于歌词的中文流行歌曲音乐结构分析算法研究

    Lyrics-based Music Structure Analysis of Chinese Pop Song

  10. 有关乐章和合唱进程的音乐结构。

    The structure of music with respect to the composition and progression of chords .

  11. 音乐结构则由即兴演奏与反复吟唱,复调,和声与对位,以及回旋来体现。

    Music structure was reflected by improvisation reprise , polyphony , harmony counterpoint and rondo .

  12. 音乐结构分析及应用

    Music Structure Analysis and Application

  13. 音乐结构中的力度

    Dynamic in the Music Structure

  14. 其他研究者已经查明,这种更有组织的音乐结构可能对大脑有更强的共鸣作用。

    Other researchers have speculated that this more-organized musical structure may have greater resonance for the brain .

  15. 第五章首先根据格式塔心理完形理论,提出音乐结构原则是心理完形的体现,在此基础上,论述了拱形结构与审美心理平衡发展的关系;

    Then on this basis , it tackles the relations between this structure and the balanced development of aesthetic psychology .

  16. 文章结合笔者的学习和教学实践,着重探讨这三种曲式易混淆的方面和排除干扰、正确辨识音乐结构的方法。

    This paper probes into the three easily confusedaspects as well as the methods of obviating interference and distinguishing musical structure .

  17. 在第一节主要论述作品如何以艺术的因素来建筑其交响乐式的音乐结构。

    In the first section , it mainly on the art of novel how to build the symphonic structure with the artistic element .

  18. 进而研究产生消极和积极情绪的音乐结构因素&速度,是否对心境一致性记忆也产生了影响。

    To study the negative and positive mood music structural factors - speed , whether the consistency of mind and memory were also affected .

  19. 另一方面,对称乐学理论的研究成果很少在音高组织等音乐结构的对称性中体现。

    On the other hand , research achievement on the symmetrical musicology theory is hardly embodied in music structural symmetry such as pitch organization .

  20. 结合对音乐结构及形式的理解,《吕氏春秋》创造了一个被后世学者广为称赞的宇宙图式。

    Combined with the understanding of musical structure and form ," Lv Spring and Autumn " creates universe schema that later scholars widely acclaimed .

  21. 在历史渊源及音乐结构特征等方面,两个剧种都已有专门的论著。

    With respect to historical origins and characteristics of music structure , there have already been many works on these two different types of dramas .

  22. 其音乐结构属联曲体,唱腔委婉绮丽、优美动听,深受群众喜爱,成为影响较大的地方剧种之一。

    Music is the structure of its joint music , singing euphemism beautiful , deeply loved by the people and become a greater impact local drama .

  23. 本文将中国古典诗歌与中国传统音乐结构的关系作为研究的切入点来启动中国传统音乐结构学的研究。

    Firstly , this paper analyses the relationship between Chinese classic verse and Chinese traditional musical structure , then it researches the Chinese traditional musical structure .

  24. 而音乐结构是音乐组织表达信息的一种表现手段,对它的分析是理解音乐的重要途径之一,是目前音乐检索技术的热点之一。

    Music structure is one main representation of music piece to organize and express information , and it is one of the key paths to music comprehension .

  25. 节拍跟踪是理解音乐结构的基础,因此它也是任何试图表现对音乐理解的系统的最重要的能力。

    Because beat tracking is the base of understanding of music structure , it is the most important ability for any systems which purports to exhibit music understanding .

  26. 第四章为歌剧《魔笛》中花腔女高音经典唱段的分析,同样从人物角色、音乐结构及演唱技巧等方面对两首歌剧中的花腔女高音经典唱段进行分析。

    Second , three aspects of the two classical coloratura soprano arias in the Operas , i.e. the characters , musical structure and of singing skills will be analyzed .

  27. 阴阳结构,是依据中国古代《周易》中的阴阳哲学思想与音乐结构相结合,发展、演绎而成的现代作曲与作曲技术理论。

    The notion " structure of Yin-Yang " is combined of the philosophical thoughts in I Ching with musical structures and has been developed as a modern composing technique .

  28. 文章介绍了德拉戈奈蒂生平,阐述了该曲的音乐结构与特点,并对它的演奏做了分析。

    The article introduced Domenico Dragonetti career , discussed the music structure of the work as well as its features , and also made some suggestions to play that work .

  29. 认知符号学不仅研究自然语言的意义构建,而且研究语言与注意系统之间的关系,研究图画结构和音乐结构等。

    Cognitive semiotics studies not only the meaning construction in natural language , but other areas such as the relationship between language and attentional systems , pictorial constructions and musical structures .

  30. 同时,也衷心希望本文的写作能为音乐结构学研究提供新的视角,使音乐学家们对音乐形态与审美心理之间的互动关系引起关注。

    Meanwhile , the writer hopes to provide some new perspectives in the studies of musical structure and to evoke musicologists ' concerns with the interactions between musical forms and aesthetics .