
  • 网络Music Exploration;explorations in music;Music Detected;Musica ricercata;Exploring Music
  1. 新时期工科院校音乐教育探索

    Discussion on Musical Education at Polytechnics in New Era

  2. 在这本书中,揭示了当代洛厄尔的方法来视觉音乐的探索。

    In this book , Lowell reveals a contemporary approach to the exploration of visual music .

  3. 中国电影音乐的探索始自20世纪30年代至50年代直至60年代,中国电影音乐趋向成熟,交响曲的语言在电影音乐中运用极为普遍;

    The research of Chinese movie music started from the thirties , fifties until sixties in the 20th century , then Chinese movie music was inclined to maturity , symphony were used in movie music greatly popularly .

  4. 与此同时,互联网的传播特质为神曲现象的萌芽与壮大提供了温床,它成长于传统唱片行业的衰退时期,是音乐行业探索未来的试验田。

    In the meantime , the spreading feature of internet has provided hotbed for its sprout and development . Growing in the recession period for traditional music industry , it is an experiment field for music industry to explore its future pattern .

  5. 他们一直置身于民族音乐的探索与发展,无数经典的民族打击乐作品如雨后春笋般破土而出,在民族音乐的发展道路上留下了坚实的脚步。

    They have been in the exploration and development of national music , Many classic folk percussion works such as bamboo shoots after a spring rain like drama , In the development of national music on the road made a solid pace .

  6. 唐代音乐繁盛原因探索

    Exploration of the Reason for the Flourish of Music in Tang Dynasty

  7. 一次对当代音乐难得的探索。

    A rare excursion into contemporary music .

  8. 满族音乐创作途径探索

    Approaching Music Composition of the Man Nationality

  9. 摘要陈培勋对钢琴音乐创作的探索是对中国钢琴音乐民族风格的探索。

    ChenPeixun was finding out the national style of Chinese piano music when he made a study of piano music composing .

  10. 本文试图从课程与教学论的角度,重新审视中等专业舞蹈学校的音乐教育,探索针对舞蹈学校学生音乐素养的培养目标框架。

    The article intends to review the music education in middle professional dance school and probe the training objective of music accomplishment aimed at middle dance school students , in the respects of the curriculum and instruction .

  11. 在民族音乐创作处于探索期的今天,本文的写作对于二胡及其它民族器乐的创作,以及民族音乐未来的发展具有一定的启示作用。

    Nowadays , when our national music creation is in an exploring period , this thesis has active enlightening effect on the creation of Erhu and other national instruments , and on the future development of national music .

  12. 另一方面是希望通过研究古琴音乐文化,探索古琴音乐文化成为古代文人必备常识的原因,以及它对现代音乐教育的借鉴价值。

    For the other thing , through the study the writer intends to probe into the reason why it was essential for the ancient scholars to learn about Guqin musical culture and what modern musical education can draw from it .

  13. 斯威夫特说《红》的成功(已经在iTunes上排名第一),是对她尝试和不同的歌曲作家和音乐英雄合作中探索尝试新的突破的肯定。

    Swift said that Red , which is already No. 1 on iTunes , allowed her to explore the edges of what she can do by working with different songwriters and some of her musical heroes .

  14. 用现象学美学观点对音乐情感意义的探索

    An Exploration of Music Emotional Sense with the Phenomenology and Aesthetics Viewpoint

  15. 理工类高校音乐欣赏课程的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Music Appreciation Courses in Polytechnic Colleges

  16. 民族音乐复兴之路探索

    The Exploration in to the Revival of National Music

  17. 关于音乐脱盲的初步探索

    Tentative Exploration Concerning Eliminating the Illiteracy of Music

  18. 网络环境下音乐欣赏教学的探索

    A Research on Network Music-Appreciation Teaching

  19. 20世纪西方音乐沿着继承和探索这两大方向发展。

    The history of Western music in the 20th century has followed two main paths - tradition and experimentation .

  20. 应该如何看待中国中、青年作曲家们在现代音乐领域的艺术探索?

    How should we look on the artistic exploration of the Chinese young musicians in the field of contemporary music ?

  21. 地方民间音乐传承新路探索&临川戏曲音乐引入视唱练耳课堂教学

    A New Way of Inheriting Local Folk Music & Introducing Linchuan Opera Music to the Teaching of Sight-singing and Ear Training

  22. 二十世纪现代音乐是一种探索性、技巧性、特殊性和不确定性都很突出的新型音乐,其众多新的音乐语汇和音乐元素是人们前所未见、闻所未闻的。

    The music in the 20th century is a kind of exploration , skilled , particularity and even very outstanding new developing specialized music .

  23. 在其旋律个性、旋律风格、旋律发展等方面,进行了较深入的探讨与研究,并针对黄自在作品中对中西方音乐风格结合的探索提出了自己的见解。

    Also the author puts forward her own opinions to HuangZi 's study of the combination of Chinese musical style and the West one in this musical work .

  24. 本文期望通过对这一分析视角的梳理和思考,引发对当代音乐分析领域的探索并促进该学科教学观念的转变。

    Through sorting out and thinking of its perspective , the article explored the field of musical analysis , and promoted to change the teaching ideas of this disciplines .

  25. 计算机音乐·音乐的本质·探索与前瞻

    Computer Music · Music Essence · Exploration and Prospects

  26. 我以音乐为生,对音乐的不懈探索已经成为我生活的动力。

    My life has been music , and a constant search for it has been the mainspring of my life

  27. 而中国音乐也经历了对外来音乐的照搬和模仿、器乐曲的尝试性创作、音乐理论探索、器乐的普及与盛行等几个阶段。

    Chinese music experienced several stages like the copy and imitation of the foreign music , trial compositions for instruments , the exploration of the music theories , the widespreading and the popularizing of the instrumental music and so on .