
  1. 精神分裂症患者多项音乐感受性研究

    A study of multiple music sensitivity on schizophrenia patients

  2. 中小学音乐感受与鉴赏教学研究

    The Research about Teaching of Sentiments and Appreciation for Music in Primary and Middle School

  3. 结果发现病人音乐感受性各因素与文化程度、职业、音乐爱好、父母职业密切相关。

    Results We founded that the music sensitivity of patients was associated closely with educational lever , occupation , music hobby and parents ' occupation .

  4. 其中包括对学生音乐感受力的培养、音乐理解力的培养、音乐想象力的培养、音乐创造力的培养、音乐表现力的培养、基本弹奏能力的培养等。

    This includes the training of students ' feeling , understanding , imagination , creation and expression of music and their basic ability in playing the instrument .

  5. 然后对钢琴课程内容从音乐感受与欣赏、钢琴弹奏技巧与识读乐谱、钢琴即兴编创内容、以及乐曲诠释与多样性音乐文化等四个方面进行全面的阐释和构建。

    Piano Curriculum content are elaborated and constructed comprehensively from the music experience and appreciation , piano playing skills and reading sheet music , piano improvisation innovations , and music interpretation and diversity of musical culture .

  6. 人的初级本质与音乐审美感受

    Man 's Primary Nature and Aesthetic Experience of Music

  7. 瞧瞧他们对音乐的感受。

    Look at the way they feel the music .

  8. 尽管我们之间相隔200年,我依然能从他的音乐中感受到他。

    Though there 's 200 years between us , I can still feel him from his music .

  9. 人类对音乐的感受,是对自身心理功能的一种自我观照,是一种情感体验。

    What man feels about music is a self-care of his own psychological function , and an emotional experience .

  10. 通过听音乐来感受自己的情绪,经历快乐,释放痛苦,最终治愈自己的心灵。

    Listen to music to feel your emotions , experience pleasure , release the pain , and eventually heal .

  11. 他用时尚来诠释当代都市生活与音乐的感受,推出了一系列设计师品牌男性服饰。

    Translating the sensibilities of contemporary urban life and music into fashion , he launched a line of designer clothing for men .

  12. 但是在影视的不断发展中我们会发现,这两种音乐的感受方式是截然不同的。

    However , in the development of film and TV , we can find that the feelings of Music for Cinema and Television Play and general music are completely different .

  13. 对于一个歌手而言,首先语言没有德语那么多的喉音和断音,此外,对音乐的感受更多地来自内心。

    For a singer , first of all the language is not so guttural and not so staccato like the German language , but on top of that the reception is based a lot more on the heart .

  14. 当然BOBO也不会退缩,BOBO永远信守承诺,用音乐陪你感受世界。

    Of course , BOBO wouldn 't keep promise , BOBO with music to accompany you feel the world .

  15. 来自心底的音乐,你感受,并演绎出来。

    Music is in your heart , you feel it , you play it .

  16. 不论是听音乐、去感受大自然、看舞蹈表演或是参加一个有组织的宗教。

    Whether listening to music , being in nature , watching dance or taking part in organized religion .

  17. 新年即将到来之际,我给大家准备了一些新年之歌,希望大家在我的音乐之中能够感受到我对各位来宾的深深的祝福!

    New Year is approaching , I have prepared a number of New Year 's song , I hope everyone in my music are able to feel the ladies and gentlemen , I have the blessings of the deep !

  18. 培养高素质人才,提高中学生对音乐艺术的感受和审美能力是音乐教育的基础任务,想象力和体验力的培养是中学音乐教育的重要内容。

    It is the fundamental task of music education in middle school that improving the feeling and ability of students about music and training talents . Training of imagination is the important content of music education in middle schools .

  19. 进入古典音乐的世界,感受艺术人生,增添生活色彩。

    Enter the world of classical music , feel the art life , adds live color .

  20. 重视学生在音乐活动中的感受、体验、参与、探究与合作,对培养与发展发展学生的审美能力具有积极的作用。

    The new standard attaches importance to the feelings , experience , participation , explore , and cooperation of students in the music activities .

  21. 在钢琴教学中融汇美学,培养学生的想像力,增强学生对音乐的理解和感受,可以使钢琴音乐教学起到事半功倍的效果。

    In order to make the piano teaching more efficiently , we should mix aesthetics and piano teaching together , develop the students ' imagination and enhance their understanding about music .

  22. 方法选用中国音乐学院音乐治疗协做组编制的多项音乐感受性测试带,对150例精神分裂症患者进行音乐感受性测试、分析。

    Methods We examined multiple music sensitivity of 150 schizophrenia patients through music test cassettes made by Chinese Musical College .

  23. 倾听音乐的节奏、乐句,特别是音乐给你的感受。

    Listen to the beat , the phrasing , the especially the feeling of the song .

  24. 音乐听觉是全面的、整体的、对于音乐的听觉感受。

    Musical hearing is complete , the overall feel for the hearing of music .

  25. 情感,是音乐审美过程中最活跃的心理因素,是音乐审美感受的动力。

    Emotion is the most active factor in the process of music aesthetics and the motive power of music aesthetic feeling .

  26. 这些音乐都是即兴创作,而在我即兴演奏这些音乐所感受的情绪则非言语能够形容。

    This music is all created spontaneously , and the emotion I feel when I play this way is deeper than words .

  27. 希望在音乐论坛中聆听更多好听的音乐,分享更多人对音乐的不同感受。

    I hope to hear more orphean music in coming music board and share different feeling with you all .

  28. 音乐欣赏的意义在于通过对音乐作品的充分体验,培养音乐的感受能力,音乐的审美意识以及音乐的独立思考能力。

    The significance of music appreciation for music through the full experience , the ability to feel the music culture , music , music aesthetic awareness and independent thinking .

  29. 设计与音乐都通过他们的韵律美,传染给欣赏者美得体验,在设计中感受音乐的魅力,在音乐中感受设计的无限遐想。

    Design and music through their rhythm , the United States was transmitted to the viewer experience in the design in order to feel the charm of music , in the music experience designed for unlimited reverie .