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  1. 目前未能联系到韩敬远予以置评。

    Mr Han could not be reached for comment .

  2. 我们与(韩敬远和中国东方)签订的协议是在执行这一战略上迈出的一大步。

    The agreements we have signed with [ Mr Han and China Oriental ] are a major step forward in delivering that strategy .

  3. 需要做出判断的问题是,阿塞洛-米塔尔与韩敬远是否一致行动,以及是否必须因此向中国东方的所有股东提出全面收购要约。

    At issue was whether ArcelorMittal and Mr Han were acting in concert , and therefore obliged to make a general offer to all China Oriental 's shareholders .

  4. 上周五,阿塞洛-米塔尔与韩敬远决定化不利为有利,发起收购委员会要求的强制性全面收购。

    On Friday , ArcelorMittal and Mr Han decided to make the best of a bad situation and launch the mandatory general offer required by the takeovers panel .

  5. 在与东方集团董事长、第一大股东韩敬远交恶之后,她于8月份以每股3港元的出价,发起了要约收购。

    She launched the takeover bid in August at HK $ 3 a share after falling out with Han Jingyuan , China Oriental 's chairman and largest shareholder .

  6. 该公司还与韩敬远谈判达成协议,收购其45%的控股股权。但此项交易尚未获得中国监管机构的批准。中国的监管机构一直不愿让外国公司控制本土钢铁生产商。

    It also negotiated an agreement with Mr Han to acquire his controlling 45 per cent stake , but that deal has yet to be approved by Chinese regulators , who have been reluctant to let foreign companies take control of local steelmakers .

  7. 收购委员会发现:委员会目前所掌握的证据并无受争议,且已获当事人(阿塞洛-米塔尔与韩敬远)确认,显示当事人具有旨在探索不同方法,取得或巩固该公司的控制权的认真合作关系。

    The evidence before the Panel , which was not disputed and which [ ArcelorMittal and Mr Han ] confirmed , was of serious engagement between the two parties to explore various avenues to obtain or consolidate control of the company , the Takeovers Panel found .