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  • 网络Xie Wen;Seven;Chalmers Sherwin;John Skjervem
  1. 雅虎中国(YahooChina)前总经理谢文指出,央视在开通自身搜索引擎的同时抨击百度,这难道真是一个巧合吗?

    Could it really just be a coincidence that CCTV launches its own search engine and attacks Baidu at the same time ? said Xie Wen , a former head of Yahoo China .

  2. 这个建议立刻引起一个比较年轻的工人谢文的注意。

    The suggestion at once struck a younger worker named Xie wen .

  3. 谢文:电子商务爱且坚持

    Xiewen : Love & Persistence to E-Business