
bǎ xì bāo
  • target cell
靶细胞[bǎ xì bāo]
  1. 研究人员构建了转位子,通过转位子携带治疗基因进入靶细胞的DNA。

    The researchers constructed the transposons in such a way that they can carry the therapeutic gene into the target cell DNA .

  2. TRAIL与其它TNF家族成员一样能够诱导其敏感靶细胞凋亡。

    As other TNF family members , TRAIL can induce sensitive target cell apoptosis .

  3. 它们就像一顶隐形斗篷,让免疫系统无从发觉被藏起来的病毒,保护它们不受包括胃酸等恶劣环境的影响,还帮它们击败肠道内的靶细胞。

    They acted like an invisibility cloak that hid the viruses from the immune system , protected them from harsh environments including stomach acid , and helped them overwhelm their target cells in the intestines3 .

  4. 良好的非病毒DNA递送系统应该能够有效地穿透细胞膜,并把DNA转运到靶细胞内部。

    A major requirement for DNA delivery system is the efficient transport of DNA through cell membrane .

  5. 结果合成的DNA转运系统和经修饰的病毒载体体外转染靶细胞后,可获得显著表达。

    Results Artificial synthetic DNA transfer system and modified viral vectors could efficiently transfect target cells and get high level expression .

  6. IBDV的靶细胞是未成熟的B淋巴细胞或B前淋巴细胞,感染后很快发生变性和坏死。

    Pre-B-lymphoid cells or immature B-lymphoid cells , the target of IBDV , often appear degeneration and necrosis .

  7. 乙型肝炎的宫内感染同样涉及HBV受体问题,其机制虽不明确,胎肝细胞仍是HBV的主要靶细胞。

    Intrauterine infection of HBV need specific receptors too and fetal hepatocytes is the major target cells .

  8. 无抗原负载的DC其活化淋巴细胞对靶细胞亦无杀伤作用。

    3 , There is also no killing effect on target cells with lymphocyte activated by DC not pulsed with any antigen .

  9. 天然杀伤(NK)细胞与靶细胞相互作用的研究

    Studies on NK cell - target interactions

  10. 目的探讨特异性CTL胞毒作用与靶细胞的HLA型别关系。

    Ve To investigate the relationship between cytotoxicity of specific CTL and HLA allotype .

  11. IL-2对靶细胞的作用通过IL-2受体(1L-2receptor,IL-2R)介导。

    The action of IL-2 is mediated by IL-2 receptor ( IL-2R ) .

  12. HIV-1进攻靶细胞的机制及相应环节抑制剂的研究进展

    Advances in mechanisms of HIV-1 attacking host cells and inhibitors in related steps

  13. RNA干扰下调CyclinT1蛋白的表达及其对靶细胞和HIV-1的影响

    Knockdown Cyclin T1 Expression by RNA Interference and Its Effect on Target Cells and HIV-1

  14. 以Hela细胞系作为靶细胞,获得表达Bak基因的稳定转染子。

    Rapidly growing Hela cell line was chosen as a target .

  15. 应用S基因转染的Sp2/0细胞作为靶细胞研究HBV基因疫苗的细胞免疫应答

    Sp2 / 0 cells transfected with S gene as target cells to investigate cellular immune response in mice induced by HBV gene vaccine

  16. 心肌细胞和肠道上皮细胞是RV的靶细胞;

    The cells of cardiac muscle and intestinal epithelial are objective cells to RV ;

  17. 神经生长因子(Nervegrowthfactor,NGF)是一种多肽性物质,通过与靶细胞表面特异性的生长因子受体的介导产生多种生物学效应。

    Nerve growth factor ( NGF ) is a kind of polypeptide , which could yield many kinds of biologic effects by binding to specific GF-receptor of target cell surface .

  18. 荧光显微镜下观察ADR在靶细胞内的分布和AnnexinV的表达。

    The subcellular distribution of ADR and Annexin V expression in the target cells were detected by fluorescence microscopy .

  19. 目前认为,经激活的巨噬细胞释放的NO可以通过抑制靶细胞线粒体中三羧酸循环、电子传递和细胞DNA合成等途径,发挥杀伤靶细胞的效应。

    At present , we consider NO released by activated macrophages can kill target cells by restraining the tricarboxylic acid cycle , electron transfer and composition of DNA in target cells .

  20. 因此,MSC已成为组织工程、细胞及基因治疗理想的靶细胞[1-2]。

    Thus , MSC has become the ideal target cells for tissue engineering , cell and gene therapy .

  21. 采用FACS法和玫瑰花环试验测定纯化产物与靶细胞的结合活性;

    Its antigen binding activity was examined by FACS and rosetting assay ;

  22. 效应细胞FasL结合靶细胞Fas抗原后,在数小时内通过细胞凋亡途径使靶细胞死亡。

    FasL combined effect of Fas antigen target cells , within a few hours by apoptosis ways targeted cell death .

  23. 感染靶细胞内GFP的有效表达可维持2个月。

    The effective expression of GFP in target cells infected by recombinant retrovirus has lasted for 2 months .

  24. 本文就目前有关1α,25(OH)2D3作用于靶细胞的机制的研究成果进行综述。

    This article presents a review on the functional mechanism of 1 α, 25 ( OH ) _2D_3 .

  25. 所以本试验检测了NK细胞的杀伤能力,结果表明蟾酥注射液具有显著增强NK细胞杀伤靶细胞Yac-1的功能。

    So we demonstrated that toad venom injection significantly enhanced NK function to kill target Yac-1 cells .

  26. MTT比色法检测NK92细胞对靶细胞的杀伤作用;

    The cytotoxicity of NK cells was tested by MTT assay ;

  27. 基因治疗(genetherapy)是指将外源正常基因导入靶细胞,以纠正或补偿因基因缺陷和异常引起的疾病,以达到治疗目的的一种治疗手段。

    Gene therapy is the technology to transfer exogenous normal gene into the target cells to correct or compensate disease caused by genetic defects and anomalies , so as to achieve the aim of treating disease .

  28. 目的:探讨NK细胞杀伤与靶细胞表面MHCI类分子的关系。

    Objective : To study the relation of cytolytic activity of NK cells and MHC class I molecules on target cells .

  29. 结论:通过丝裂原素诱导人单核细胞IL-2受体的表达,可以促进IL-2激活的单核细胞的杀伤活性,包括诱导靶细胞的凋亡。

    Conclusion : IL2 enhanced monocyte mediated cytotoxicity and target cell apoptosis , which could be augmented by mitogen induced IL2R expression on monocytes .

  30. 结果表明,K562可以作为针对bcr/abl的基因打靶的靶细胞;

    It was suggested that K562 could be a useful tool in study of bcr / abl gene targeting .