
  • 网络Non-point source pollution;Nonpoint Source Pollution;NPS pollution;NSP
  1. 本文还对铁岭地区污染物来源及组成比重进行分析,最后提出区域可持续发展政策建议和非点源污染防治措施。

    Source and composition of regional pollutants in Tieling city are also analyzed in this paper . Finally , policy suggestions for regional sustainable development and measures for prevention and control of non-point source pollution are put forward .

  2. 通过对西安市1995年至2002年化肥施用现状的调查研究,发现氮肥用量偏高,钾肥用量不足,化肥施用比例失调,是该市农业非点源污染的主要根源。

    Based on researching the application of fertilizer in xi'an from 1995 to 2002 , this article find nitrogenous fertilizer is used too much and potassium fertilizer is unenough . It 's the factor which causes the agricultural non-point source pollution in xi'an .

  3. 基于GIS的苏州河非点源污染的总量控制

    The total quantity control of non-point source pollution in Suzhou creek based on GIS

  4. 基于GIS和模型的流域非点源污染控制区划

    Control Divisions of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution at Watershed Scale Based on GIS and Models

  5. 大部分水体富营养化的限制因素是P,土壤P的流失是重要的非点源污染。

    Phosphorus loss from agricultural land accelerates eutrophication of lakes and streams , and is an important component of nonpoint-source pollution .

  6. 基于GIS的滇池流域水土流失非点源污染研究

    Research on Non-point Source Pollution Caused by Water Loss and Soil Erosion of Dianchi Watershed Based on GIS

  7. RS和GIS支持下农业非点源污染模型研究评述

    Study and Comment on Agricultural Non-Point Pollution Model with the Support of RS and GIS

  8. 结合GIS可充分了解土壤中N、P养分的空间变异性规律,并可进一步应用于精确施肥和农业非点源污染预测和控制。

    These results could be useful for further application in precision fertilization and for evaluation of non point polluting of agricultural lands .

  9. 以水体富营养化的限制因子P为例,探讨并介绍了一种对农田生态系统非点源污染敏感性的空间分布进行评价的方法。

    An approach for assessing spatial distribution of agricultural non point source pollution in farm ecosystems , taking P as an example , is introduced .

  10. 根据研究区域GIS数据信息及实地踏勘信息,借鉴国内外相关研究的模型模拟参数,在对研究区域进行概化的基础上,建立研究区域的非点源污染负荷模型。

    On the base of data from GIS and survey of study area on the spot , non-point source pollution load model of study area was constructed .

  11. 基于SWAT模型的非点源污染模拟研究

    SWAT-Based Simulation on Non-Point Source Pollution in the North Watershed of Miyun Reservoir

  12. 非点源污染分别占COD、TN和TP排放总量的74%、91%和73%,点源污染中生活来源部分所占份额远大于工业来源部分。

    Non-point source pollution accounted for 74 % , 91 % and 73 % of total COD , TN and TP output .

  13. 探讨了运用逐级分类从TM图像中提取与非点源污染有关的土地利用信息的方法。

    The issue of the article is hierarchical classification that is used to extract land-use information relating to non-point source pollution from TM image .

  14. 基于SWAT模型的黑河流域不同土地利用情景的非点源污染研究

    SWAT model of non-point source pollution under different land use scenarios in the Heihe river basin

  15. 结果表明,SS是滇池流域非点源污染的首要污染物,大约80%的入湖SS来自非点源。

    SS was the primary pollutant of non-point source pollution in the basin , about 80 % of SS coming from non-point source pollution .

  16. 农业非点源污染潜力指数系统(APPI)在太湖典型区域的应用

    Preliminary Application of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution Potential Index in Typical Area of Taihu Lake

  17. 本文的主要研究内容和结论有以下几个方面:(1)种植业用地的TN、TP非点源污染负荷比例均占总负荷50%强。

    The main conclusions of this article are listed as follows : ( 1 ) Crop production lands ' TN and TP nonpoint source pollution occupies 50 % of the total pollutions .

  18. 研究中采用美国农业部农业研究局(ARS)开发的SWAT模型进行非点源污染模拟计算,SWAT模型是一个连续时间的分布式模型。

    SWAT model developed by USDA Agricultural Research Service ( ARS ) is used to estimate the non-point source pollution . It is a continuous and distributed model .

  19. 概述了国外最佳管理措施(BMPs)在农业非点源污染防治中的应用现状,工程措施有人工湿地、植被缓冲区和水陆交错带;

    This paper provides an introduction of best management practices ( BMPs ) for controlling non-point source pollution and a review of their applications / achievements .

  20. 随着地理信息系统(GlS)、全球定位系统(GPS)和遥感技术(RS)的发展,3S技术已经成为非点源污染研究的重要工具。

    With the advance of geographic information system ( GIS ), remote sense ( RS ) and global position system ( GPS ), 3S technology has become an important tool for studies on the non-point source pollution .

  21. 概念性非点源污染动态模型(CNPDM)及其应用研究

    A Conceptional Nonpoint Pollution Dynamic Model ( CNPDM ) and its Applications

  22. 本论文针对苏州住宅小区非点源污染的水质特征,进行了BMPs控制小区非点源污染的研究。研究的主要内容包括:对小区非点源污染特征进行调查,确定试验的用水水质;

    This article mainly discusses BMPs 's control to the uptown non-point source pollution , in view of the water quality characteristic of point source pollution in Suzhou residential uptown .

  23. 介绍了GIS与非点源污染模型的结合,并以SWAT模型为例阐述了基于GIS的数学模型在农业面源污染研究中的应用。

    This paper intends to discuss the necessity and significance of integrating non-point source pollution mathematic model with geographic information system ( GIS for short ), and takes SWAT model for example to introduce the application of mathematic model based on GIS in aspect of agricultural non-point source pollution .

  24. 建立用于TMDL的点源和非点源污染模拟的水质模型以模拟河流污染物的分配;

    Water quality model is developed to simulate stream pollutants allocation and its integration has helped to develop TMDL modeling procedure for nonpoint and point sources of pollution .

  25. 并通过洱海水质的实测值,对SWAT模型河道输出文件中的总磷和总氮进行了精度评价,模拟结果可用于洱海非点源污染分析。

    Through the values of water quality , we calibrate total phosphorus and total nitrogen of river channel output files on SWAT model . Overall , the model simulation results are basically reasonable , can be used to nonpoint source pollution analysis for Lake Erhai . 5 .

  26. 非点源污染定量研究的理论及方法

    Theory and Methods of Quantitative Study on Non - Point Pollution

  27. 淮安市农业非点源污染及其防治对策三峡库区农业非点源污染的思考

    Insights into Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution in Three Gorges Reservoir Area

  28. 基于氮素流失对非点源污染研究的述评

    Study Progress on Non-point Source Pollution Based on Loss of Nitrogen

  29. 本论文以城市非点源污染负荷为研究对象,总结了目前国内外在城市非点源定量化计算方面的研究。

    This paper studied the non-point source pollution load of city .

  30. 厦门城市降雨径流氮磷非点源污染负荷分布探讨

    Nitrogen and Phosphorus Non-point Pollution for Urban Stormwater Runoff in Xiamen